Wednesday, October 30, 2019

RBA Decrease Rates for Christmas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

RBA Decrease Rates for Christmas - Essay Example The economy is made up of various components and each and every single component affects the economy differently. In the explanation and analysis of the â€Å"RBA Decrease Rates for Christmas† article, a number of economic components are considered. These components aid intensive analysis of the article based on the context of actions taken by the RBA, Central Bank and the economic responses experienced in the financial markets and the economy at large. Aggregate demand and supply plays a central role in the economy, determining the overall level of performance of the economy1. Unemployment and inflation are key determinants of the direction that the economy takes and they both affect decisions made within the economic context. Monetary policy on the other hand is undertaken by the Central Bank as a measure to manage the economy alongside fiscal policy. The two measures are crucial in managing currency trends that further determine the level of inflation in the economy. Analys is in the Context of Economic Concepts/Theories Aggregate demand and Supply The economic model is made of different sectors and industries. Each constituent sector or industry contributes towards the overall welfare of the economy. Aggregate demand and supply denotes the entire economy’s output. ... Aggregate demand brings on board total spending in the economy. The different levels of spending in the economy are made up of consumption, investment, government purchases and net exports3. The aggregate supply curve comprises of an inflationary and a non-inflationary region. This factor provides a basic principle for the required analysis in this paper. Different factors affect both aggregate demand and aggregate supply. However the interaction of the two is critical to any given analysis in the economy. National output can be either nominal or real, depending on the price base used in their computation. Where more stable prices are used to compute national output given an identified base year, real national output is computed. On the other hand, where current prices are used, nominal national output is computed. Real GDP is obtained when the aggregate demand and aggregate supply interact. On the same point, the resultant equilibrium results in the national inflation rate4. The fig ure below shows an aggregate demand-aggregate supply model: A number of factors affect both aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Only the factors that are important to this analysis will be highlighted. Income, wealth, credit availability, government demand, investment and future expectations on inflation, income, wealth and interest rates causes the aggregate demand curve to shift to the right upon an increase in any of them. An increase in some other factors causes the aggregate demand curve to shift leftwards. These are: interest rates and taxation. On the other hand, a rightward shift is observed on the aggregate supply when prior investment,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Different behavioral pattern Essay Example for Free

Different behavioral pattern Essay People from different countries have different behavioral pattern, depending upon their culture, values and ethics. They develop their mannerism from these factors. If we take into account Americans, Japanese, and Saudi Arabian and try and find out how they behave on one particular way, specially when making contact with each other while talking. We can make out amongst them who are who. An American will try and make himself stand at distance he will try to adjust himself at a comfortable position from the person he is talking to at the same time he will try and maintain eye contact. A Japanese may shake hand and stand very close while talking but he usually keep his gaze down, unlike American where his habit of constantly gazing will make you feel as you are been screened. An Arab will like to be at a very close distance from the person he is talking to, may be as close as you can feel his breath, they also like lot of check-to-check social kissing, the Hollywood style. The body language do half the talking, we all know that. But for that, we have to understand cross-cultural differences, like the one stated above in which how the people from three different countries are behaving in a different manner. If we do not understand that then we might make the people we are talking to feel uncomfortable. As an American can make a Japanese uncomfortable with his continuous gaze, and similarly Arab can make American uncomfortable with his closeness. In some South American and Mediterranean societies eye contact, touching and smiling and standing at a foot distance is preferred style of communication where on the other hand in Northern Europe, a lingering gaze may feel invasive, manipulative or disgraceful, they chat at a distance of two and a half feet. If we look at Estonians, they are non-contact people. On the other hand, Russians are high contact people. So the reaction for each other is like, Russian feels Estonians are cold and Estonians feels Russians are pushy. Caucasians feels averting eye contact may be a gesture to hide misbehavior, where for Asian it’s a sign of respect. An American will suspect an unknown person who took a elevator with him and tries to smile and stand at a very close distance, where usually he would have taken another corner and gazed in space. Thus a very suspicious feeling for such person will arise. It is mostly seen this kind of behaviour from a criminal or from the patients of schizophrenia where he approaches and get closer to the other person more than usual. Be very sure the closer you let your stranger to be the more vulnerable you become. The spatial differences amongst cultures points more than self-protection. In Middle East people get the information about the strangers by their sense of smell and touch, which requires close approach. Americans, rely on visual information, therefore, they don’t need to be so close to the subject. They rather step back and see an intelligent whole picture of the person. Conversational distance tell us the about the standard greeting distance in each culture. The need for more or less space means something of the cultural temperament. There is gender difference also other than country difference. A woman seems to have more eye contact than men. Also a woman feel neglected if this conversational distance is too much. They feel that the partner is indifferent. With the businesses growing global a need for a new breed of consultants has immerged, who interpret to these globe-trotters of all nationalities the meaning and use of personal space. There are special classes also for this kind of cultural behaviour, which will be a great help to understand each other.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Women in Islam Essay -- Religion, Islamic Culture

Since the September Eleventh attacks by Islamic extremists at the World Trade Centers, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania, Islamic culture has come under scrutiny by Americans more so than at any other period in the history of the ancient religion. One area that is often criticized by the American main stream media is the role of women in Islamic culture; it is almost common knowledge now that Islam subjugates women to a degree not seen since the Medieval Ages, and is backwards in all aspects of gender relations. Like many stereotypes, this one is overblown, exaggerated, and often completely incorrect. Women have been a fundamental part of Islamic culture since the founding of the Muslim faith. Women have had tremendous influence in all areas of Islamic culture including education, politics, economic concerns, and religious interpretation; by examining each of these four areas, it become clear that women have tremendous opportunities within mainstream Islam. Of course, cer tain hardline regimes like the one currently holding power in Iran will always oppress women, as well as gays and other minorities. It is important to not focus on the few areas where Islamic culture is practiced and women are subjugated, but to look at the broader Islamic culture where women are a critical component. After being thrust into the American conscience by the September Eleventh attacks, Islamic culture and Afghanistan became synonymous in the minds of most American citizens. The active attempts to limit women from receiving education in that nation were all too real, and very tragic. However, in many other Islamic cultures, women have significant and positive influence on the education system, both today and in the past. The achiev... ... States one of the most popular religions, Catholicism, still does not permit women to serve in the priest capacity. Some issues will take many centuries to change, and just like in Catholicism, this Islamic barrier will take time to break down. In conclusion, the body of evidence suggests that fears regarding the limitations placed on women by Islamic culture are exaggerated in most areas. Women have reached the highest political posts, most influential jobs in business, and obtained teaching posts at prestigious universities in almost every country with a significant Islamic culture. Some of the most tolerant cultures have even begun allowing female imams to lead prayer and teach other Muslims. While Islamic culture has plenty of work to do regarding the status of women, it must be recognized that a healthy portion of the criticism is unwarranted.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Environmental factors affecting Nespresso in China Essay

The micro environment on the other hand comprises the industry and market.   Religion, education, ethnicity, education and language, age group, family, cross cultural differences. In 1978, the Chinese government introduced a birth control policy of one child per family. (Newsweek 2014) This in the long run will reduce both sales and labor availability for Companies especially foreign brands like nespresso. The business culture in china is based on strong family ties and cultural network. Guanxi is a Chinese business practice of favoring a family and close friends prior to doing business. This could be unfavorable to foreign businesses like nespresso and other western companies. LEGAL FACTORS. Foreign trade laws, land ownership laws, patent and trademark laws, piracy laws, lobbying laws. According to reports, foreign firms cannot and do not acquire land as all land remains the property of the Chinese government. However the lease system provides foreign firms and corporation access to land for about a period of 50years after which the lease can be renewed. There was a case of McDonalds in Beijing who were forced out of their property by the government during the contract period (China unique, 2013). This spells an unstable working environment for nespresso. ECONOMIC FACTORS Economic factors include, Unemployment rate, exchange rate, inflation, interest rate, consumer discretionary income, labor cost. Unemployment: According to the ministry of human resources and social security of the PRC, there has been a significant decrease in unemployment rate in China from 4. 10 in the last quarter of 2013 to 4 percent in the second quarter of 2013 (Trading economics, 2014). This will increase salaries and wages due to scarcity of labor as only few of the population are unemployed. Similarly, Chinas inflation rate as reported by National Bureau of Statistics of China was at 2. 50 percent in January 2014 (Bloomberg business week Jan. 2014). This has caused a reduction in unemployment and an increase in wages. This might mean an increase in sales for western brands like nespresso and luxurious brands. According to ban and company luxury goods purchases has slowed down by 7percent as Chinese shoppers now do their luxury shopping abroad (Ban and company 2013). This might not be too good for foreign companies in china but it shows how passionate Chinese are for luxury brands. Chinas GDP were recorded at 7. 7 percent (9. 4 trillion USD) in the fourth quarter of 2013. (Bloomberg business week Jan. 2014) The above information shows that China’s economic environment would promote and facilitate business activities. (Trading economies, 2014). Lower unemployment rate implies high purchasing power of customers. Inflation will affect nespresso because suppliers will demand more. High interest rate means high return on investment. The higher consumer’s discretionary income, the higher their purchasing power especially for premium products like the nespresso brand. POLITICAL FACTORS. Factors present in the political environment include Political Stability, government involvement, trade barriers (tariff and non-tariff) Political stability: The three decades of reform in china has led to both a political and social landscape. (China daily Feb 2014). China has a unique form of political risk which is a constant battle between the central government and local government over applicable laws. For Nespesso, this stability and a clear understanding of local law would guarantee a stable business environment in the long run. Government involvement: The purpose of this is to protect domestic firms. (Protectionism). Government may impose barriers (tariff and non-tariff) on imports or foreign investment in order to protect domestic industries and to reduce competition. Although china has continuously opened its market for foreign investors, it has also place restriction on some foreign businesses in certain industries. For instance the restriction on American producers of autos, beef and steel into its market. (Bloomberg news April 2013) TECHNOLOGY. Technology when applied to work makes it easier, quicker and sometimes more efficient. The level of technology. Technology is inputs that improves an organization’s output. Technological factors includes machinery, communication, internet penetration, transport and logistics, social infrastructure. Internet penetration and logistics. See question 2 THE MICRO ENVIRONMENT INDUSTRY ANALYSIS PORTER’S FIVE FORCES. Local suppliers include; Yunnan Zheng coffee co ltd, Baoshan Yatong coffee commercial co. ltd, Dehong Hogu coffee co ltd, Yunnan Changshengda investment co. ltd, Kunming Qianxi industry and trade co ltd, Acme Fate international ltd (Alibaba, 2014). This shows that the supplier power is low because there are so many suppliers in the industry. Power of buyers (customers): With over 14million people in shanghai and other major cities of china and the tea drinking tradition of the Chinese people, there tend to be a high buyer power amongst customers. Also, the quest for luxurious band amongst Chinese consumers tend to influence buying power Competitors: The level of competition in china is high not just for coffee consumption but also for other hot drinks. In terms of luxurious coffee key players include Starbucks, costa, McDonalds, 85 degrees, pacific coffee etc. research from Mintel has shown that there has been an increase in the number of cafes from 15,898 to 31,283 between 2007 and 2012. (China briefing, 2013). Threat of new entrants: With the existence of so many players in the coffee industry it can be concluded that there is high threat of new entrants because it may seem that coffee business in China is attractive. Analysts say there will be a continuous increase in the consumption of instant coffee. (Euro monitor international). Industry rivalry: Competition is intense in the coffee industry in china as key player continue to compete in different ways. According to reports, there is a continuous fight for market share, who has more coffee shops etc. As Starbucks plans to have 1500 stores in china, costa coffee has stated their intention to increase its number to 2500 by 2018. Nestle and Starbucks has been competing for dominance of china’s coffee market for the last decade. While nestle has focused on being a ubiquitous brand, Starbucks has targeted the upper middle class. (Context china) QUESTION TWO According to reports, China has 618million internet users. 80percent of this number are mobile internet users. (ZDnet, 2014). The outbreak of mobile internet users drove the number from 500million as at December 2013. With this number of internet users, a firm would have no problem carrying out online sales, advertising, or communicating with its customers. A report by adage confirms that Taoboa and Tmall, two of china’s largest e-commerce company broke their last year’s sales record via the internet. Therefore many firms are capitalizing on the power of the internet by doing series of online promotion. (Adage, 2013) Online retail sale according to Bloomberg, went up by 2percent last year (adage, 2013). The surging internet purchase indicates that Chinese consumers are moving away from bricks and mortar outlets for their shopping. Opportunities of online CRM and sales include; Wider reach. Using the internet, nespresso can keep up with a large number of its customers on a daily or weekly bases. Advertising. Nespresso can also use the internet to advertise its product to millions of customers at the same time. This could be cheaper to operate too. Segmenting purposes. The record of customers and their previous purchase can help nespresso in automatically segmenting it customers based on purchase history Feedback and adjustment. Customer feedbacks is very important as these information can be used in making services or products better. Despite the attractive and promising nature of using the internet, investors and firms should also consider the drawbacks of using the internet for sales and communication. The Chinese government recently just imposed a new law regarding e-Commerce in China. The law stipulates that real names registration of sellers on third party platforms, strict seven days return policy, and also online payment market place must safeguard user’s privacy. (Pac net services, 2014) Another report says the government is imposing a law where all consumer to consumer online trading would have to register for a business license and  also pay taxes (China daily, 2014) Legal system. There are different legal restriction and regulation from government and regulatory bodies. Payment environment: the cash payment culture of the Chinese creates difficulties for online shopping. International credit cards are not accepted in most online shops. There is unavailability of credit card payment in most transactional websites. The online payment system in china is still at an infant stage. Logistics network environment: there is a restriction on foreign investment of logistics companies. Limited choices of delivery therefore, much more time is spent on delivery (jitm, 2007). QUESTION THREE Despite the large number of internet users I personally would recommend that nespresso adopt another marketing strategy as it will be very harmful to assume that the nespresso club would work in the Chinese market. From careful observation of the forces at work in the Chinese market environment, I can say that there is high level of government protectionism and regulation on internet businesses (Ecommerce) that tends to favor Chinese owned firms and businesses. Report has it that not only were a lot of websites blocked in china, there were also a Chinese replacement. Sites blocked include Facebook, yahoo, google, twitter, YouTube etc. according to report, the British newspaper The Guardian along with The New York times and Bloomberg news has been blocked in china for over a year. Motives for this act remains unknown (Taipei Times, 2014). Nespresso’s use of the internet is limited as not so much can be achieved due to interference by the government therefore using the internet could hinder performance as there is too much interference from the government. Nespresso should adapt its marketing mix to overcome the current situation of internet insecurity so as to reduce reliance on the internet. Though the internet can be used to position the nespresso brand image in the minds of the consumers for sales, or advertising or customer relationship but it won’t be wise business decision to apply the nespresso club concept in China because the government can decide blacklist them just like the case of Facebook. Nespresso should create more awareness about its brand to the Chinese public especially the less educated ones explaining the difference between house coffee and the nespresso brand Lastly, since there is already a tea drinking tradition amongst the Chinese population, nespresso should consider a local adaptation which involves offering other kinds of hot drinks so as to have a variety of products for it ever growing tea drinking customers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Yolngu people

Compare and contrast the life stages and life course of your own cultural group with that of a significantly cultural group within Australia. Media Child's You Just need to ensure your sentences are direct and to the point – applying the correct terminology Introduction The Yowling indigenous people make up one of the oldest cultures on earth, stretching back more than 40,000 years and make up more than 50 clans, each has its own country, they have with twelve different dialects and many ceremonies that are all concerned with acting out the stones and lore's of the ancestral pasts which Is tutee different to western life In Australia.The Yowling people divide themselves Into two basic divisions, or moieties, called Dhow and Wartime and are connected by a complex kinship system called guru. They have avoidance relationships with son- in-law, mother-in-law and brothers and sisters for their culture to function unlike Australian culture where we have no (need extra). The genders attend ceremonies separately to follow traditions unlike our customs where all a mix of genders are supposed to attend functions.Life stages are the are the steps we go through wrought our life journey that shape our identity, some stages are rights of passage others are actions or just simply participation that affects the self due to the experiences that we encounter. The fundamental deference between the cultures is the connection to the country or land and how the Yowling people see their land as their mother; who will take care of them and watch over them whereas we see land and property to Improve our finances and as as our status.Body Life stages form outsource is the path from birth until death that is shaped by our sections; the concept of our life stages where certain age groups go through rites of passage is similar is the same In both cultures. Often involving individuals being separated from society to go through the translator and then being reincorporated back Into so ciety: such as ceremony for Yowling people and marriage for Australians where we (give wedding example).The Yowling hold some ceremonies just for men that are intended to mark a new stage of life for the individual and develops one's identity within the Yowling culture which is essential for progressing towards man hood and to be accepted as a man. It may involve being taken away from the group for up to a week to learn different skills such as hunting and when they come back they are viewed as a valued contributor that holds a different more experienced status or role after the ceremony (good).In typical Australian culture life stages can form a series of rights of passage such as getting our car license, turning eighteen or moving out of These stages are marked by events and functions. Often events such as an eighteenth birthday mark an important time in an individual's life where they're now considered as an adult. .. Giving them the right to†¦. Portent due to their speciali zed knowledge because they have been around the longest and have experienced the most whereas in Australian culture we are a capitalist society and value people with power, money and authority; we value materialistic items whereas the Yowling people value knowledge and care about what's on the inside, not the outside (physical appearance). The Yowling people holder stronger bonds outside blood ties, they have strong links with their extended family and are expected to follow family traditions whereas in Australian culture we focus on our immediate family (be specific – what type of Emily).Yowling groups are connected by a complex kinship system called guru, this system governs fundamental aspects of Yowling life, including responsibilities for ceremony and marriage rules. Yowling life is divided into two moieties, Dhow and Wartime, each of these is represented by people of a different number of groups, each that have their own lands, languages and totems. Avoidance relationsh ips also exist in Yowling culture the two main ones include son in law, mother in law and brother and sister.In Australian culture we have similar relationships where it is frowned upon for first cousins to marry and is illegal to marry your brother or sister. The life course or path that one chooses may depend on life events and the opportunities put in front of them. Yowling culture performs traditional rituals and would never do anything to hurt the land, as the land is their mother, which ensures that they follow traditions and stick to their culture rules to protect what means most to them. They look up to the elders in their tribe and share tight bonds within their group; they see each other together as one and thrive of the idea of belonging.The sys all aim to be selected to go through ceremony to become a man and see it as a reward. If you have not had the ceremony yet you cannot marry nor fall in love. Whereas in Australian culture we have more freedom with the choices we c hoose to make with the help and influence of our peers. We look up to our parents and older family members but also the ones with power and money such as teachers or a wealthy boss. In Australian culture we have the choice to determine our own interests and hobbies, our peers have shaped us to be who we are but we also have individuality.In life we are expected to follow through with traditional education and hobbies and care for one another, mainly your immediate family. Our gender within society reflects the roles we play and the choices we determine. In Australia we tend to want to follow our path to self-fulfillment and to get a good Job and earn a satisfying income. Conclusion The life stages and life course of the Yowling culture and our Australian culture both explore different traditions and experiences that shape and define the people we are today. While we all experience life stages our lives are marked by different rites of

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hydroponics1 essays

Hydroponics1 essays Have you ever thought of growing plants without soil? A science known as hydroponics will allow you to do just this. Hydroponics systems have been used since the time of the ancient Babylonians who used them to used them to grow their famous hanging gardens. Today, all around the world, fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants are grown using hydroponics. The word hydroponics was derived from the Greek words hydros, meaning water, and ponos, meaning labor, or literally, water working. Hydro-ponics is simply growing plants in a water and balanced fertilizer solution. It is rapidly becoming the most common way of growing speciality crops and crops that require special conditions to grow. Hydroponics is also known as Soilless/Controlled Environment Agriculture. This means that plants are grown without soil in greenhouse environments in which everything from the amount of nutrients applied to the temperature and humidity can be monitored closely. Greenhouses are ideal for hydroponics systems because they have their own climate. New types of greenhouses are designed to distribute light from the sun during the day to promote better plant growth and retain heat at night which saves on fuel. These greenhouses are quickly becoming choice places for growers to set up their hydroponics systems. These set-ups are increasing yields and decreasing plant loss which is more profitable for the grower. Speciality crops such as tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and hot peppers, which cannot be grown conventionally all year long, are being grown in hydroponically. These vegetables which were previously scarce in some seasons will be plentiful all year. Hydroponically grown vegetables can be harvested year round so even regions that have harsh winters, or short growing seasons can enjoy these special crops anytime. One fruit that is especially hard to find at certain times of th ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Black Surname Meaning and Origin

Black Surname Meaning and Origin As you might expect, the Black surname generally relates to the color black: Black is most commonly a descriptive surname meaning one who was black haired or dark complexioned.Black can also be an occupational surname given to or adopted by a cloth dyer who specialized in black dyes. The surnames SCHWARTZ, SCHWARZ and other variants are the German equivalents of the Black surname. BLACK is the 149th most popular surname in the United States. Surname Origin: English Alternate Surname Spellings: BLACKE, BLAKE, BLAKEY, BLAKELEY, BLACKETT, BLACKHAM, BLACKIE, BLACKLOCK, BLACKMAN, BLACKMON, BLACKMORE, BLACKSHAW,BLACKWOOD, BLAKEMAN Famous People with the Surname Black Joachim Krà ³l - German actorJohn Joseph Krol - Roman Catholic Cardinal Genealogy Resources for the Surname Black The BLACK Surname DNA Project: Connect with others using DNA to help trace the origins of their BLACK family, including variants such as Blacke, Blackett, Blackham, Blackie, Blacklock, Blackman, Blackmon, Blackmore, Blackshaw, Blackwell, Blackwood, Blagg, Blake, Blakeley, Blakeman, Blakiston, Blanc, Bleach, Bluck, Duff, Schwartz, Swartz and Swarz.Black Family Genealogy Forum: Search this popular genealogy forum for the Black surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Black surname query.FamilySearch - BLACK Genealogy: Find records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Black surname and its variations.BLACK Surname Family Mailing Lists: RootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Black surname.Cousin Connect - BLACK Genealogy Queries: Read or post genealogy queries for the surname Black, and sign up for free notification when new Black queries are - BLACK Genealogy Family History: F ree databases and genealogy links for the last name Black. References Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005.Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004.Hanks, Patrick, and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Stephen Hawking, Physicist and Cosmologist

Biography of Stephen Hawking, Physicist and Cosmologist Stephen Hawking (January 8, 1942–March 14, 2018) was a world-renowned cosmologist and physicist, especially esteemed for overcoming an extreme physical disability to pursue his groundbreaking scientific work. He was a bestselling author whose books made complex ideas accessible to the general public. His theories provided deep insights into the connections between quantum physics and relativity, including how those concepts might be united in explaining fundamental questions related to the development of the universe and the formation of black holes. Fast Facts: Stephen Hawking Known For:  Cosmologist, physicist, best-selling science writerAlso Known As:  Steven William HawkingBorn:  January 8, 1942 in Oxfordshire, EnglandParents: Frank and Isobel HawkingDied: March 14, 2018 in Cambridge, EnglandEducation: St Albans School, B.A., University College, Oxford, Ph.D., Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1966Published Works:  A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes, The Universe in a Nutshell, On the Shoulders of Giants, A Briefer History of Time, The Grand Design, My Brief HistoryAwards and Honors:  Fellow of the  Royal Society, the  Eddington  Medal, the Royal Societys Hughes Medal, the  Albert Einstein  Medal, the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Member of the  Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Wolf Prize in Physics, the Prince of Asturias Awards in Concord, the Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize of the American Physical Society, the Michelson Morley Award of Case Western Reserve University, the Copley Medal of the  Ro yal SocietySpouses: Jane Wilde, Elaine MasonChildren: Robert, Lucy, TimothyNotable Quote: â€Å"Most of the threats we face come from the progress we’ve made in science and technology. We are not going to stop making progress, or reverse it, so we must recognize the dangers and control them. I’m an optimist, and I believe we can.† Early Life Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxfordshire, England, where his mother had been sent for safety during the German bombings of London of World War II. His mother Isobel Hawking was an Oxford graduate and his father Frank Hawking was a medical researcher. After Stephens birth, the family reunited in London, where his father headed the division of parasitology at the National Institute for Medical Research.  The family then moved to St. Albans so that Stephens father could pursue medical research at the nearby Institute for Medical Research in Mill Hill. Education and Medical Diagnosis Stephen Hawking attended school in St. Albans, where he was an unexceptional student. His brilliance was much more apparent in his years at Oxford University. He specialized in physics and graduated with first-class honors despite his relative lack of diligence. In 1962, he continued his education at Cambridge  University, pursuing a Ph.D. in cosmology. At age 21, a year after beginning his doctoral program, Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also known as motor neuron disease, ALS, and Lou Gehrigs disease). Given only three years to live, he has written that this prognosis helped motivate him in his physics work. There is little doubt that his ability to remain actively engaged with the world through his scientific work helped him persevere in the face of the disease. The support of family and friends were equally key. This is vividly portrayed in the dramatic film The Theory of Everything. The ALS Progresses As his illness progressed, Hawking became less mobile and began using a wheelchair. As part of his condition, Hawking eventually  lost his ability to speak, so he utilized a device capable of translating his eye movements (since he could  no longer utilize a keypad) to speak in a digitized voice. In addition to his keen mind within physics, he gained respect throughout the world as a science communicator. His achievements are deeply impressive on their own, but some of the reason he is so universally respected was his ability to accomplish so much while suffering the severe debility caused by ALS. Marriage and Children Just before his diagnosis, Hawking met Jane Wilde, and the two were married in 1965. The couple had three children before separating. Hawking later married Elaine Mason in 1995 and they divorced in 2006. Career as Academic and Author Hawking stayed on at Cambridge after his graduation, first as a research fellow and then as a professional fellow. For most of his academic career, Hawking served as the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, a position once held by Sir Isaac Newton. Following a long tradition, Hawking retired from this post at age 67, in the spring of 2009, though he continued his research at the universitys cosmology institute. In 2008 he also accepted a position as a visiting researcher at Waterloo, Ontarios Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. In 1982 Hawking began work on a popular book on cosmology. By 1984 he had produced the first draft of  A Brief History of Time, which he published in 1988 after some medical setbacks. This book remained on the Sunday Times bestsellers list for 237 weeks. Hawkings even more accessible A Briefer History of Time was published in 2005. Fields of Study Hawkings major research was in the areas of theoretical cosmology, focusing on the evolution of the universe as governed by the laws of general relativity. He is most well-known for his work in the study of black holes. Through his work, Hawking was able to: Prove  that singularities are general features of spacetime.Provide  mathematical proof that information which fell into a black hole was lost.Demonstrate  that black holes evaporate through Hawking radiation. Death On March 14, 2018, Stephen Hawking died in his home in Cambridge, England. He was 76. His ashes were placed in London’s Westminster Abbey between the final resting places of Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. Legacy Stephen Hawking made large contributions as a scientist, science communicator, and as a heroic example of how enormous obstacles can be overcome. The  Stephen Hawking Medal for Science Communication is a prestigious award that recognizes the merit of popular science on an international level. Thanks to his distinctive appearance, voice, and popularity,  Stephen Hawking is often represented in popular culture. He made appearances on the television shows The Simpsons and Futurama, as well as having a cameo on Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1993. The Theory of Everything, a biographical drama film about Hawkings life, was released in 2014. Sources â€Å"Stephen Hawking.†Ã‚  Famous Scientists.Redd, Nola Taylor. â€Å"Stephen Hawking Biography (1942-2018).†Ã‚, Space, 14 Mar. 2018.â€Å"Stephen William Hawking.†Ã‚  Stephen Hawking (1942-2018).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Rebuttal arguement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rebuttal arguement - Essay Example Additionally, William proclaimed that conveying a tweet by itself is pure activism and ludicrous, though none was purporting the same, lacking considerable credibility, an article that he conferred to be plainly entertaining though not logical. In his disagreement, Gladwell cited the U.S.A. civil prerogatives association of the late 1950s and 60s as an instance of social transformation that was on the basis of close friendship, purporting that the feeble ties connecting persons together on the internet were not of equal implication (Gladwell). Moreover, fanatics for social media would with no qualm make people believe that King’s task in Alabama would have been rendered easier had he been apt to express communication with his supporters via Facebook, and challenged himself with tweets from a Birmingham detention centre (Ingram). However, networks are messy: for instance, the endless pattern of revision and scrutiny with utter rectification, alterations and deliberations as in the Wikipedia case. Moreover, if Martin Luther had prospected initiating a Wiki-embargo in Montgomery, he would probably been crushed by the white powers. Moreover, it is pertinent to enquire the potency of utilization of a digitalized communication in a given town where the majority of the blacks’ society could be reachable on every Sunday as a congregation. It is thus, succinct that King required tactic and overt discipline that online internet media dispensations could not offer. Additionally, Stone, a cofounder of Twitter proclaimed that the actual time exchange of intelligence, for instance in the case of Twitter, it would be ridiculous to purport that it is not correspondent to activism. Besides, when it results into it, it would not be technological advances that would be the actual change drive but the individuals who immensely contribute to its

Friday, October 18, 2019

Critique the Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Critique the Plan - Assignment Example seminars are held for young people on how they can identify good and quality food and select these as compared to unwholesome food (Tones and Green, 2004). There has also been advocacy among stakeholders within the educational sector to invest in physical fitness facility construction. The initiative has recorded a number of successes since its implementation. For example statistics available to the Philadelphia Urban Food and Fitness alliance indicates that there has been a drastic reduction in the number of food related illnesses and health issues in Philadelphia (Wahl OF, 2009). What is more, people have developed personalized interest in doing away with the purchase of chunk food and rather take up to physical body exercise. Indeed, the effectiveness of the program can be deepened if its present scope of stakeholder base was widened. For example even though the program is sponsored by the W.K Kellogg Foundation, which is a recognized non-governmental institution, there could be better results if efforts were made to involve government as a direct stakeholder. In between time, the program has strength of identifying the need for healthy nutrition at a very early age among the youth. This would lead to a preventive health initiative rather than a curative one (Vygotsk,

How does the book "Mindsight" explain the happiness one can Coursework

How does the book "Mindsight" explain the happiness one can acquire that is listed in the book "Happiness Hypothesis" - Coursework Example There is value first in exploring Aristotle’s ideas on happiness, and the relationship between the emotions and happiness. It is important to note that in reference to Aristotle’s idea of happiness, or what can be summed up in the word eudaimonia, the notion of happiness is not necessarily linked to passing emotions at any given time, but is more associated with the achievement of virtue, a direction or an overarching purpose or sense of meaning to one’s life that can be only gleaned with finality at the end of a life, as a culmination and as an endpoint to be reached (Burton). This happiness is also tied to what Aristotle terms as the mean, or that middle ground between extremes, the achievement of which can be construed as a standard for evaluating the happy or unhappy life. The achievement of the mean is tied to the successful cultivation of virtue, and this life lived in virtue, over a span of a lifetime, is what constitutes happiness. There is moreover the f ormulation in Aristotle of happiness not as something that is useful for another end, but is something that can be considered as the final and ultimate good, a good in itself, and the end of all of human activities. Therefore, happiness is somewhat also tied to a sense of things being alright, of a positive feeling in a way, that is the real end of all human strivings, from gathering and eating food, to earning money, traveling, establishing a family, taking care of one’s body to be healthy. In this latter formulation there is the sense of the emotions having some value as a kind of inner compass that can guide one and act as a kind of thermostat or inner compass leading towards the achievement of that state of happiness that Aristotle discussed extensively in the Nicomachean ethics. There is a sense of happiness in Aristotle of being an activity, a kind of striving, with the emotions signalling whether the direction of one’s life and the results of the striving are pl easant or

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Personal Budgets in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Personal Budgets in the UK - Essay Example According to the paper, in response to the increasing demand and the rising public expectations based on choice and quality, the government decided to act. It set out to transform the way in which care and support were offered for the older and disabled adults. At the heart of this transformation was a very powerful idea that would potentially revolutionize how the disabled and older persons received their care. The idea was basically based on personalization. That is, instead of commissioning care and support services for people living in its area, the local authority would provide eligible persons with their own personal budgets so they could acquire help and assistance that would be more attuned to their individual needs and circumstances. Personalization is aimed at giving the people more choice and control over the kind of support they acquire. It is defined as the ability of an individual to determine what type of support to get despite the mode of payment used by the one seeki ng healthcare services. These may include direct payment or personal budgets. Direct ayments are defined as the direct cash payments given to service users in lieu of community services that are in demand based on assessments done they are aimed at giving a wider choice to the clients. Personal budgets on the other hand describe the allocations given to users after assessment which meets their assessed needs fully. This is all in part of the government’s wider agenda to improve efficacy and responsiveness of public services. These personal budgets can provide flexibility, choice and control to the service users. Further, they can improve health and well-being and ultimately, user satisfaction.  

Leadership Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leadership Evaluation - Essay Example This is just to show how different these criteria are and with them come different expectations and results. One such criterion that has stood out in the US is the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence. This is the award offered under the Baldrige national quality program which is the nation’s highest presidential honor for organizational innovation and performance. Several companies have been awarded and their results have reflected their innovative attributes that were recognized under this program. One such company is the Cargill Corn Milling North America. A closer look at the company will detail how significant this award is and how leadership evaluation can be used to increase a company’s worth as well as output. The different strategies used will be highlighted and compared to the way the company has been operating since its inception in 1967. The baldrige Criteria for Performance and the Cargill Corn Milling (CCM): The criteria used by the Baldrige Progra m are mainly embodied in seven key areas. These are leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, measurement, analysis and knowledge management, workforce focus, operations focus, and results (BPEP, 2012). These areas are analyzed and assessed in that order in a way that shows their relationship. They have to look at the organizational profile since it sets the context of the way the organization operates. It is at this top spot that the guiding attributes are found, which allow one to venture into the company’s organizational performance and management system in a systematic manner. The performance system deals with different triads. First, there is the leadership triad that consists of leadership, strategic planning, and customer focus categories. If the leaders are not in touch with the way each of these three goes on, the company is likely to stagnate since operations will be stalled. The other three categories that are under the performance system include the workforc e focus, operations focus and the results category which form the results triad. These three represent the recipe towards the success of the company and should be idealized by the management to ensure each attribute is running smoothly and is devoid of any hiccups. It should represent a sure way of handling any queries that may arise and how to effectively handle them. These two triads are the core attributes that form the performance mantle. They directly link leadership to results entailing their interdependent relationship (BPEP, 2012). The system's foundation consists of the fourth category that focuses on measurements, analysis, and knowledge management. This offers the path through which innovation will take place and how crucial each attribute is towards the continuity of a company (BPEP, 2012). With CCM being in the manufacturing category, these seven attributes have to be intertwined to help achieve the best results and increase their market presence. The criterion stated a bove was applied in its entirety and the results were evident from the detailed report provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology which oversees these awards. The company has over the past few decades been on an upward trend with its earnings after tax nearly tripling from the 2003 to 2007 financial period. They have received numerous awards for their customer relations with each individual, from top to bottom

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Personal Budgets in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Personal Budgets in the UK - Essay Example According to the paper, in response to the increasing demand and the rising public expectations based on choice and quality, the government decided to act. It set out to transform the way in which care and support were offered for the older and disabled adults. At the heart of this transformation was a very powerful idea that would potentially revolutionize how the disabled and older persons received their care. The idea was basically based on personalization. That is, instead of commissioning care and support services for people living in its area, the local authority would provide eligible persons with their own personal budgets so they could acquire help and assistance that would be more attuned to their individual needs and circumstances. Personalization is aimed at giving the people more choice and control over the kind of support they acquire. It is defined as the ability of an individual to determine what type of support to get despite the mode of payment used by the one seeki ng healthcare services. These may include direct payment or personal budgets. Direct ayments are defined as the direct cash payments given to service users in lieu of community services that are in demand based on assessments done they are aimed at giving a wider choice to the clients. Personal budgets on the other hand describe the allocations given to users after assessment which meets their assessed needs fully. This is all in part of the government’s wider agenda to improve efficacy and responsiveness of public services. These personal budgets can provide flexibility, choice and control to the service users. Further, they can improve health and well-being and ultimately, user satisfaction.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

PESTEL SWOT ADDISON LEE TAXI company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

PESTEL SWOT ADDISON LEE TAXI company - Essay Example The company’s car hire market is a highly competitive business environment where only the highly successful business companies which provide consistent excellent customers services survive. Addison Lee is one such company, which constantly improves operational performance and more work with the existing resources that they own (Hamm 2004). The company has embraced the latest technology in the market in order to attract and provide good customer outreach in most parts of Europe. This paper looks at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company as well as the political, economic, social-cultural technological, environmental, and legal environment in which the company operates. It has been noted in 2009 that UK is one of the biggest tourist attracting cities in the world. The city of London located in England is the largest city. It has a population of more than 7 million people and receives more than 6 million visitors annually. The country has many historic tourist attraction sites as well as properly established institutions, which forms a model for many other institutions in the world. The political systems in the country as well as the economic systems of business provide a unique environment for businesses to thrive and prosper (Moore 2010). The UK has a traditional of being a capitalist nation, which believes in giving the private sector a chance to develop and grow its portfolio. This is one of the contributing factors to the company’s tremendous growth over the last few years, where the company gained acknowledgement as Europe’s largest taxicab company. In order to attract direct investment in the taxicab business in the country, the country has created an open door policy since the World War 2. One of the main reasons for this motive was to secure financing for modernization with capital liberation as well as provide transport to people who could not be able to acquire their own. The country also provides the needed

Monday, October 14, 2019

Time Reflection Essay Example for Free

Time Reflection Essay Time and time again, the old adage, ‘time is gold’, is validated by experiences.   Take the case of the fictional time machine.   We see them in movies, a device that allows a person to travel through time and space; a machine that allows a person to traverse different time dimensions.   But, however amazing the concept of time machine is, it is never true.   This only reinforces the conviction that time is so essential that whenever lost, can no longer be regained.    With men’s aim to discover this new dimension of time, technology has brought about changes that affected how people view time.   This is discussed in Anwar Accawi’s essay entitled, ‘The Telephone’.   In his essay, Accawi showed how technology changed and intruded into the timeless culture of the villagers in the village of Magdaluna.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the early times, life has been so simple.   People rarely care about the time.   Water clocks were used to track time merely for purposes of counting the days and nights.   In Anwar Accawi’s essay, â€Å"The Telephone†, it can be observed that the traditional villages were so simple that they never realized the need for such technologies as clocks and calendars to measure time.   People then were contented for what they have. They merely recall time by the events natural to human existence like birth and death. However, when the telephone was introduced, the villagers were amazed by such new device and the changes that come with it.   This started all the complexities that can now be reflected in the present day societies.   Time has become a commercial term instead of a natural cycle of human existence.   The measure of time has become so important that time already dictated what, how and when people should do things.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the new technology, people’s lives revolved around it.   Ã‚  In Magdaluna, the new technology brought about occasion and the people rejoiced for how much telephone injected new values in the community.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In today’s American society, a typical American adult would complain that they do not have much time to complete the pile of work lined up for each day.   One reason for this perception about the lack of time is how people view time as an integral part of human existence.   How people value time and their perceived sense of time can be reflected on how they make use of such limited resource.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With people complaining of having not enough time, they have resorted to certain practices and adopted specific values in order to maximize the use of time.   For example, in the work place, many employees would prefer flexible time and part –time work set ups.   In addition, some are torn by long travels, which is time consuming (Robinson Godbey 18). Some opted to put on retirement homes aged relatives and parents and rely on care givers so that their time can be freed to do other things they believe to be more important. Moreover, time use, according to Godbey’s earlier article, can be affected by new technologies.   As a result, people tend to customize time by using customized products (Robinson Godbey 18).   Technologies taught people to be dependent on machines and new devices just to save on what is believed as ‘more precious time’.   This sense of time reveals of how people can be so insensitive and how poor family ties could be.   Quantity time and quality has become a passà ©.   With societies become more industrialized, more advanced, there has become a variety of activities that people can choose from.   People tend to allocate time to aspects like work, business and commerce; discounting the more important human aspects like leisure; quality and quantity time with family; and personal relationships. Works Cited Robinson, John, and Geoffrey Godbey. Time in Our Hands: Most People in Industrialized Societies Feel Time-Pressured. the Problem Isnt How Much Time We Have, but Rather How We Use It. The Futurist Sept.-Oct. 2005: 18+. Questia. 20 Sept. 2007

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Modelling Programmes for Industrial Scale Drug Production

Modelling Programmes for Industrial Scale Drug Production Different modelling programs of the production of a drug on an industrial scale Crystallisation: Crystallisation is usually used for the split-up, purification and the creation stage in the chemical industries. It is one of the oldest and most crucial unit operations. Crystallisation is a practical method of gaining a chemical substance that is concentrated. This concentrated chemical substance is in a form that is nice and simple to handle. There are various ways in which crystallisation could be carried out, such as melt, vapour and solution. However, recently melt has been the most popular one as there are great demands for it because of its good purification technique. Chemist always wants to get the chemicals they make as pure as possible and a good way of purifying chemicals is to make crystals of them. When they are in solution, you can have all sorts of impurities. But when they form crystals, the crystals the crystals contain much purer compounds than in the solutions. And the impurities are left in the solution. Generally, the crystals are a very precise arrangement of molecules all the same fitting together. The impurity has a different shape so it doesn’t fit in properly. Sometimes we get an impurity that is the wrong shape and we can get rid of it. Each time we recrystallise it e.g. make some solution, form crystals, filter them out, re-dissolve them, and form more crystals. Each time we crystallise it we get a purer and purer compound. Sometimes in the old days people crystallised thousands of times to get something really pure. The problem is that when you have a solution even if you want to cool it down which is the standard way of getting crystals to form. The crystals cannot form unless you get it something small for the first crystal to form around. Once the first one goes, the whole lot goes (, 2014). There are three following steps in which the development of a certain crystal for the duration of crystallisation process follows. The three following steps that it continues over are; nucleation, crystal growth and Ostwald ripening. Embryos are created by the molecules of the substance combined, in the nucleation step. A macroscopic crystal can be created if the circumstances are for example if the embryo is allowed to reach a critical size known as nucleus. However, the embryo will dissolve if the circumstance is such that it is not possible to reach the critical nuclear size. Crystallising substance can exist in more than one crystalline phase for example; solvates or polymorphs. If that’s the case then each stage will have its own specific embryonic combined and nucleus. The differen t embryos in the supersaturated solution compete for solute molecules (, 2014). The type of embryo that first reaches the critical nuclear size forms a nucleus for that particular crystalline phase and hence enables that phase to grow into macroscopic crystals. Because of the time that is involved in the competition for nucleation this step is controlled by kinetic considerations on condition that that the thermodynamic driving force for the formation of the crystallizing phase is favourable, i.e., ΔG is negative (, 2014). Drug Design: Drug design is sometimes referred to as rational drug design. This is the inventive process of finding new medications based on the knowledge of a biological target. The drug is usually an organic small molecule that activates or inhibits the function of a biomolecule e.g. such as a protein, which in turn results in a therapeutic benefit to the patient. Drug design, in the most basic sense, involves the design of small molecules that are complementary in shape and charge to the bimolecular target with which they interact and therefore will bind to it. Drug design often but not essentially relies on computer modelling techniques. This type of modelling is often referred to as computer-aided drug design. Lastly, drug design that relies on the information of the three-dimensional structure of the bimolecular target is known as structure-based drug design. The phrase drug design is to some extent a contradiction, but what is really meant by drug design is ligand design (i.e., design of a small molecule that will bind tightly to its target). Although modelling techniques for prediction of binding affinity are reasonably effective, there are many other properties, e.g. such as bioavailability, lack of side effects, metabolic half-life, etc. That first must be optimized before a ligand can become a safe and efficient drug. These other characteristics are often difficult to optimize using rational drug design techniques (drug design, 2014). Typically a drug target is a key molecule involved in a particular metabolic or signalling pathway that is specific to a disease condition or pathology or to the infectivity or survival of a microbial pathogen. There are some methods that attempt to inhibit the functioning of the pathway in the diseased state by causing a key molecule to stop functioning. Drugs may be designed that bind to the active region and inhibit this main molecule. Another method may be to enhance the normal pathway by promoting specific molecules in the normal pathways that may have been affected in the diseased state. Also adding to that, these drugs should also be designed so as not to affect any other important off-target molecules or anti-targets that may be similar in appearance to the target molecule, since drug communications with off-target molecules may lead to undesirable side effects. Sequence homology is frequently used to identify such risks (drug design, 2014). Most frequently, drugs are organic small molecules produced through chemical mixture, but biopolymer-based drugs, also known as biologics, which is produced through biological processes, are becoming gradually more common. In addition, mRNA-based gene silencing technologies may have therapeutic applications (drug design, 2014). There are two types of drug design; one is Ligand based and the other Structure based drug design. Ligand based drug design is when you don’t know the structure. On the other hand, structure based drug design is when you do know the structure. Methods of drug design: 2.1.1Ligand-based Ligand based drug design, which is also sometimes referred to as indirect drug design, depends on the information given of other molecules that attach to the biological object. A pharmacophore model can be derived by using these other molecules that attach to the biological object. A pharmacophore is a theoretical description for molecular features that are essential in order to obtain molecular recognition of ligand by a biological macromolecule, a very large molecule. This defines the minimum essential structural features a molecule needs to have for it to attach to the object. In other words a model of the biological object can be built based on the information obtained of what attach to it and this model can also be used for designing new molecular objects that act together with the biological object. On the other hand, a quantitative structure activity relationship which correlation between calculated properties of molecules and their experimentally determined biological activit y, can be derived. These quantitative structure activity relationships in turn can be used to predict the activity of new analogues (Ligand-based drug design, 2014). 2.1.2Structure based The other method is called structure-based drug design. Structure based drug design, which is also referred to as direct drug design, depends on the information given about the three dimensional structure of the biological object gained from methods such as x-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy. If an experimental structure of an object is not available then it can be possible to make a homology model of the object based on the experimental structure of a related protein. Using the structure of the biological object candidate drugs that are predicted to attach to the high affinity and selectivity to the object can be designed using interactive graphics and the intuition of a medicinal chemistry or various automated computational procedures to suggest new drug candidates. The knowledge about the structural dynamics and electronic properties about ligands increased with more information concerning three dimensional structures of bimolecular objects. Current methods for structure ba sed drug design can be divided roughly into two categories. Fragment based Fragment based drug design involve Identifying low molecular weight compounds that weakly attach to a biological object macromolecule and will then be modified or connected to yield potent inhibitors. The specificity of these low difficulty and low affinity molecules has rarely been discussed in the writings (, 2014). Computational drug design Drugs and associated biologically active molecules can be studied, improved and discovered by using computational chemistry in computer-aided drug design. In computer-aided drug design the most important aim is to predict if a certain molecule will attach to an object and if that is the case then how strongly does it attach. Often molecular dynamics or molecular mechanics are mostly used to predict the conformation of the small molecule and to model conformational changes in the biological object that might occur when the small molecule attach to it. An estimation of the binding affinity can also be obtained by the use of molecular mechanics methods. Likewise, information based scoring function can also be used in order to obtain binding affinity predictions (Young, 2009). The methods mentioned use statistical techniques such as linear regression, neural nets, machine learning, etc. This is used in order to derive estimated binding affinity equations by adding experimental affinities to computationally derived communication energies among the object and the molecule. If it is possible, the computational method will succeed in estimating affinity before a compound is fused. Therefore, in principle, just a single compound is needed to fuse. This is more efficient and will save a lot of time and money. However, the current computational methods available are not as perfect yet. At its best the computational methods gives just qualitatively accurate approximations of affinity. At the moment it still requires a few repetition of design, fusion and tests until a desired prime drug is found (Young, 2009). List of reference: 2014. Crystallization Impact on the Nature and Properties of the Crystalline Product. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 8 Mar 2014]. Drug design. 2014. [e-book] Available through: [Accessed: 17 Mar 2014]. Ligand-based drug design. 2014. [e-book] Available through: [Accessed: 17 Mar 2014]. Young, D. C. 2009. Computational drug design. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. 2014. Fragment based drug design: from experimental [Curr Med Chem. 2012] PubMed NCBI. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014].

Saturday, October 12, 2019

On Feminism and Postmodernism Essay -- Feminist Sociology Essays

On Feminism and Postmodernism It seems fitting that the 'marriage' of feminism and postmodernism is one fraught with both difference and argument. The fact that these disagreements occur within the realm of the intellectual undoubtedly puts a wry smile on the face of either party. While feminism and postmodernism share several characteristics, most notably the deconstruction of the masculinised western ideology, feminism chooses to place itself within the absolutism of the modernist movement. While feminism argues for the continuation of the subject/object dichotomy, aiming largely to reverse the feminine position of the latter to the former, postmodernism would have the modernist movement deconstructed in its entirety, including all such metanarratives. Postmodernism also champions the fragmented self, the idea of a unitary 'whole' existing only within a fictitious reality. This idea is one which feminism has taken up in recent years. In this era of postfeminism, new avenues are being sought to spread the ideals of feminism and the potential of possible vehicles, such mass media, are being realised. However, when using mass media, such as television, in such a fashion, the intellectualizations of the highbrow modernist/feminist movements have been largely stripped away, leaving little but an easily digestible skeletal foundation. The aim of such a method is to target a younger demographic than traditional critique would usually focus upon. The television program Buffy the Vampire Slayer is such a vehicle, presenting feminism in a postmodern form 'for the masses'. While this works to reveal an 'acceptable', albeit feminist, perspective of gender and identity, following such an avenue problematises both feminism and ... ..."Vampires, Postmodernity and Postfeminism: Buffy the Vampire Slayer", Journal of Popular Film and Television, vol. 27, no. 2, Summer 1999, pp 24 - 31. Vint, Sherryl, "'Killing us Softly?' A Feminist Search for the "Real" Buffy", Slayage, The On-line International Journey of Buffy Studies,, accessed 15/4/2002, 9.05 am. Whedon, Joss, Audio Commentary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season One, Welcome to the Hellmouth & The Harvest DVD, 2001. Wilkinson, Sue ed., Feminist Social Psychologies: International Perspectives, Open Universities Press, Buckingham, 1996. Filmography: Smith, Charles Martin, Welcome to the Hellmouth, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Episode 1.1, 1997. Kretchmer, John T., The Harvest, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Episode 1.2, 1997. Whedon, Joss, The Gift, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Episode 5.22, 2001.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Characteristics of Adolescents Essay

Intellectual, moral, physical, emotional, and psychological development of Middle School students. Middle Schoolers undergo profound changes during their adolescent years, and unlike infancy, they are witnesses to these changes. Complicating things further is the fact that these changes do not occur at the same rate in each individual. While all adolescents do not share these characteristics, it is safe to say that many do. Understanding that these characteristics are developmentally â€Å"normal† is helpful. At the same time, while these changes are necessary and natural, they present challenges to parents, teachers, and Middle Schoolers themselves. Intellectual Development * Display a wide range of intellectual development. * Are in transition from concrete to abstract thinking. * Are intensely curious and dabble in a wide range of pursuits, few of which are sustained. * Prefer active over passive learning activities. * Prefer interaction with peers during learning activities. * Respond positively to opportunities to participate in real life situations. * Are often preoccupied with self. * Have a strong need for approval and may be easily discouraged. * Develop an increased understanding of personal abilities. * Are inquisitive about adults, often challenging their authority, and always observing them. * May show disinterest in conventional academic subjects but are intellectually curious about the world and themselves. * Are developing a capacity to understand high level or sophisticated humor. Moral Development * Often show compassion for those who are downtrodden or suffering and have a special concern for animals and environmental problems. * Are moving from acceptance of adult moral judgments to development of their own personal values. (Nevertheless, they tend to embrace values consistent with those of their parents.) * Are capable of and value direct experience in participatory democracy. * Greatly need and are influenced by adult role models who will listen to them and affirm their moral consciousness and actions as being trustworthy role models. * Are increasingly aware of and concerned about inconsistencies between values exhibited by adults and the conditions they see in society. Physical Development * Experience rapid, irregular growth. * Undergo body changes that might cause awkward, uncoordinated movements. * Have varying maturity rates, with girls tending to mature one-and-a-half to two years earlier than boys. * May be at a disadvantage because of the varied rates of maturity that require the understanding of caring adults. * Experience restlessness and fatigue due to hormonal changes. * Need daily physical activity because of increased energy. * Develop sexual awareness that increases as secondary sex characteristics appear. * Are concerned with body changes that accompany sexual maturation and changes resulting in an increase in nose size, protruding ears, long arms, and awkward posture. * Prefer junk food but need good nutrition. * Often lack physical fitness, with poor levels of endurance, strength, and flexibility. * Are physically vulnerable because they may adopt poor health habits or engage in risky experimentation with drugs and sex. Emotional and Psychological Development * Experience mood swings often with peaks of intensity and unpredictability. †¨ * Need to release energy, often in sudden, apparently meaningless outbursts of activity. * Seek to become increasingly independent, searching for adult identity and acceptance. * Are increasingly concerned about peer acceptance. * Tend to be self-conscious, lacking in self-esteem, and highly sensitive to criticism. * Exhibit intense concern about physical growth and maturity as profound physical changes occur. * Increasingly behave in ways associated with their gender as gender role identification strengthens. * Are concerned with many major societal issues as personal value systems develop. * Believe that their personal problems, feelings, and experiences are unique to them.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

One girl one dream Essay

      This knew that this wasn’t the end of the man, he would be back, but next time I will hopefully be a bit more prepared. â€Å"Eleza is that you? † Cried a soft voice â€Å"Mum? Mum is that you? † I didn’t think it was possible â€Å"Eleza I knew you would come back† she replied â€Å"I have to go mum sorry, I can’t get close to you because it will rip you apart when I leave again, sorry† I shouted while running away down the street â€Å"No Eleza no! I can’t cope without you† screeched mum That was the last time I ever saw my mum. Gun shots were fired shortly after I had left, and I just assumed that the police heard her and found out where she was hiding. I knew that the police would be after me soon so I searched refuge on the out skirts of the village, fortunately a couple were also on the run from the police so I went into a home with them, it wasn’t an amazing home but at least it provided a roof over my head and food for my empty stomach. â€Å"Why are you running from the police? † I questioned the couple, â€Å"because of our religion, people here do not support our beliefs and say that we don’t belong in this community† they stopped, they were going to say more but they could see that I was too tired to listen and so they rested my head in the cloth and rug bed they had made up for me, I thanked them. I started to shiver as it got later into the night so I moved my bed closer to the raging fire to keep warm. I woke up the next morning still feeling incredibly tired because I didn’t sleep very well. The couple were very kind to me, for breakfast they gave me a cup of milk and also a piece of bread. Once I had finished eating my food I told the couple what my situation was and what my plans are, they took it as quite a surprise but understood completely and even offered to help out. Knowing that they were old enough to earn a living I stayed along side them for many days. Later on that evening we gathered around the beaming fire and chatted for hours and hours, that was until there was a knock at the door, â€Å"shh, Eleza hide quickly† said the couple silently. I tip toed towards the wooden toy chest and climbed in. â€Å"open up! † demanded a strong deep voice, The woman opened the door to the strange dark clothed man. â€Å"on the floor, now! † he shouted again The did as he said, I couldn’t see everything but I could see through a little hole in the side of the chest. Even before the couple could have a chance to speak, the man shot them both in the head. As that bullet pierced into their skull I cringed and couldn’t bare the sight, I wanted to cry but any noise could give me the same shot to the head. The strange dark man left, dragging the 2 bodies behind him. I broke out of the toy chest and went to the bathroom; I splashed water onto my face to revive my self, I knew it wasn’t worth getting worked up about as I already had a mission to complete. But this incident just made me more determined to get back at the mayor. What’s next? – Chapter 11 Screaming with silent rage I crept through the village of murderers. My mind was spinning and I had headaches slicing in and out my skull. I noticed the mayor walking down the street, I followed not too far behind, by the looks of it he was walking towards the forest, I wanted to go see if Oscar was ok but didn’t want to chance getting caught. I gave up on following the mayor because he walked into a building and then just disappeared out of sight. I then focused on getting into the forest to see the construction so far. It had been raining the night before so the way up the hill was wet and slippery, I fell many times, but easily managed to get back up again. When I finally reached the top of the hill I saw that the construction hadn’t progressed much at all. I went around back to see more, â€Å"Eleza.. PST.. Eleza over here† came a whisper from behind. â€Å"hey, how are you here, I saw you had a arrow in your back, you cant be alive! † I stepped back in shock, â€Å"that was a tranquiliser, the guard saw me and assumed I was trying to steal the blueprint, so shot me simple mistake, I’m sorry I scared you like that. † â€Å"are you still willing to help me then? † I wanted to get this over with so I wasn’t going to laze about. â€Å"don’t worry about the building Eleza, since you’ve been gone I have spoken to the mayor and many arguments were fought, but I have managed to convince them to make the building eco friendly. It will cost a lot more money to make but you are the reason why many animals in this forest will be preserved and protected well done! † â€Å"thank-you for doing this for me, how can I repay you for this? † I felt incredibly happy that someone was inspired by me. â€Å"come down to the mayors office with me tonight, I think he wants to talk to you† replied the boy. â€Å"are you mad! I will be killed! † I shouted â€Å"no seriously I can honestly say that you are safe with me, please trust me as I trusted you before† pleaded the boy I felt that if I didn’t go then it would be mean because he had helped me out a great deal and I should help him in return. â€Å"ok then, but if anything should go wrong then may your thoughts be guilty for ever† I accepted to see what the mayor wanted. I went off into the forest to get ready for tonight, I found Oscar beneath a big branch where we once stayed. He followed me down to the lake, I took a swim to clean off so not to get bad impressions with the mayor. The time passed and by the time I had dried off and got back to the construction site it was already time to go. â€Å"come on then we best get a move on† I said while already walking. We reached the mayors present house on time, we knocked on the door and waited for a response. Helping out- chapter 12 â€Å"Enter please† spoke a well mannered butler â€Å"Just stay calm and when the mayor wants to talk then let him† demanded the boy â€Å"Hello Eleza, I have heard many stories of you, I understand that you like to stand up for what you believe in, am I right? † said the mayor in a strong voice â€Å"Yes, you are correct† I answer in the simplest way possible â€Å"I want you to do a favour for me, I will pay for your food and sleeping place, you wonder why, but I really do think that you have the courage we need, do you think you can manage to stand up for what you believe in even if the opposition is bigger?. † I thought for a while before proclaiming my reply, â€Å"I would love to take hold of the responsibility of helping out, but do not understand why you would choose me to do this, I was being chased by your men the other day, how can I know that I can trust you? † I still wasn’t convinced but if what he was saying was true then I would be overwhelmed and hopefully do a good job. â€Å"Ok, I guess I should tell you now, I haven’t been completely straight with you, I will look after the forest here for you, but you must leave to southern Africa to do a job for me, flight is paid for, and you will be helping the green team to help decrease the amount of de forestation, and also in your free time you will be helping the smaller children in the schools but if you do not accept this then your precious forest will be burned to the ground for my house to be bigger! So the choice is yours. † It wasn’t much of a choice so I just did what I had to and agreed to go. â€Å"I will go but Oscar must be able to fly over with me! † â€Å"I’m sorry but it is illegal for wild animals like Oscar to fly over on the plane with you† I knew he was right so I just gave in, but made sure that he is promised to be looked after by the mayor. I looked back and went to talk to my friend, â€Å"I’ve never been to Africa, is this a nice place to be? † â€Å"I haven’t ever been either, but I do know that it is a third world country, with children that need your help† replied my friend. The mayor went out the room and talked to another man about the trip, I was shacking but not because I was scared, just because I was filled with many emotions, I was actually quite excited. Journey and arrival – chapter 13 I set off early the following morning and endured 12 long tiring hours on the flight to northern Africa, then another 9 hours on a train to my destination. When I got off the train my legs were numb and floppy. When I arrived I was directed into a small long building and was told what I should do. The mayor explained that he is only here today then will be flying home tomorrow, and then he introduced me to my mentor. â€Å"Eleza, I hope that your stay here will be pleasurable, my name is Mandisa please come meet our youngest residents in our village. † I was taken into a classroom where little children stared at the teacher, they gave her all their attention, there was no shouting, it was just calm nice place to learn. I didn’t want to disturb them so instead I went into the village centre and saw just how hard it was for them to survive. â€Å"Could I have a cup of water please? † I asked a local The man said nothing, he walked over to a well and scooped out a bucket of water, I went over to him, he handed me the bucket. â€Å"Is this what you drink everyday? † I wondered I looked into the bucket; the water was cloudy with dirt floating on the surface. This wasn’t what I was expecting, I was hoping that the people hadn’t been drinking this for too long, this water isn’t drinkable and could kill if the wrong bits are drank. â€Å"It is the end of the school day now, come with me to see the children† said Mandisa I followed her to the classroom again and met up with the kids, meeting them made me feel important, I felt like I was a vital part of their lives, and that I could make a difference to their lives. â€Å"Hello, my name is Keon, what’s your name? † questioned a young boy â€Å"Eleza, I am here to help you and your class friends out. â€Å"Yay, no-ones ever come to our village before, other than Aitan, your mayor† â€Å"Is your mum going to pick you up from school? † I just wanted to talk to him, I wanted to make friends. â€Å"My mum is gone† Keon fell silent and faced the ground â€Å"she is gone, but my dad is in the fields. I have to go; my older sister has a disease and needs all the support she can get. † Before I could get a chance to comfort him he was gone. I walked down the road and met up with Mandisa. â€Å"Come; come quick, its Keon’s sister! She is in desperate need of help. † I didn’t rely, I just ran with her to his home. There was a huge gathering of people out side of the house; me and Mandisa stepped into the sweltering house mounted of sad people, the mood was unbearable and cries came from the room that Keon’s sister lay. I ran into the room and looked into the eyes of the girl, I could see that she was in a cycle of eternal pain; I knew this was an incurable disease and couldn’t help but feel sorry for the girl, at such a young age, (2 years younger than me and 3 years older than Keon.) I left the house and went to the little mud cottage where I was staying, I sat on the bed and relaxed, I can’t stand emotional moments, it just brings back bad memories that I’d rather not think about. There was a knock at the door, â€Å"Hello, Eleza are you in there? † sobbed a voice from behind the door, I went over to the door to find Keon looking at me then grasped my waist and burst into tears I hugged him for over 10 minutes before he let go and sat next to me on the bed and told me the tragic news about his sister. His father kindly invited me to the funeral then took Keon back home to get some sleep. I was shattered and was shocked by how much happened to me in one day, and was glad when the day came to a close. But I was eager to see what tomorrow had in store for me. African life – chapter 14 â€Å"Eleza, Eleza time to get up† whispered a soft voice in my ear I couldn’t talk because my lips were so dry and crisp they remained sealed, I leapt out of bed. They gave me a towel and a bucket of water to wash my face with. The first job of the day was to cover a simple lesson of spelling; I walked to the classroom with the children and was introduced to them all. I then started off the lesson by asking each individual child what they think their abilities are, this helped me to know what their level of learning is currently. The teachers didn’t have books to teach from, just a teacher that goes by memory. I didn’t get an education so I wasn’t doing anything too complicated; I just went over what I already knew. The school day wasn’t very long because the children got too hot in the classroom, after the class Mandisa met me outside. She told me that I was here to make a difference to the people’s lives and that I should try to make some tasks up for myself to complete. I thought for just a few moments then decided what I was going to do next. Keon showed me around the village and pointed over to the forest, or what remained of it anyway. I told him that I will protest against the men but I couldn’t use force. â€Å"I think I have a plan, what is the cutest creature in your forest? † I questioned â€Å"The baby monkeys are cute, they live high in the trees† Keon replied â€Å"Let’s go then† I shouted to him while running through the forest. Keon knew that there was only a slim chance that my plan would work and so he didn’t get his hopes up. It took a while to spot any wildlife in the forest because the noise of the chainsaws had frightened them half to death, I crept up quietly to one of the babies, the mother was higher in the trees so she didn’t see me coming, Keon gently lifted down the monkey and handed it to me, then we walked for miles and miles to find the campsite of the tree murderers and once there Keon gave a good firm knock on the door and waited for a response. â€Å"Who’s there† came a voice behind them I turned around quickly and addressed them, â€Å"We are begging you please stop cutting down the trees, so many animals die because you have taken away their home and family, here is a monkey that is calling out for your help† I had to make up a sad story about the monkey or it wouldn’t take effect. â€Å"I am just against it as you but we must do this otherwise we are out of jobs and wont be able to afford to survive. † I could see that the man wasn’t the kind to give up easily and so I diverted to the second plan,†you know, we will always have a place for you in the village and even though you have had you arguments with them, I’m sure if you stop cutting the trees down they will be happy to take you in. † if this didn’t work then we were screwed. This is something I will consider, it wont be immediate but you idea will not be discarded, don’t come back, we will move I’m due course. † The turned and walked away into their house, we went back to the village and carefully put the baby monkey back exactly where we found it. I went back to my where I slept the night before and rested there. As I lay I thought about all the changes I could make to this village if I put my mind to it, I wasn’t an adult, but the village treated me as one and made me feel wanted. This was when I knew, my dream has become a reality, I wanted to make a difference to the world and help those in more need than me. For once in my life I feel that I have done my parents proud and just wish that they could be here beside me. Everyday for over a month I got up and helped around the village, and every evening I would visit Keon’s mother and comfort her because the loss of her daughter was still on her mind. I had gone through so many adventures in my life and only in 1 year I had gone half way across the world and have witnessed life and death pass me by, and yet am still at a young age of 14, but my birthday is next week and the village kindly offered to have a little bonfire to celebrate, Keon even offered to sing a traditional African song called Kpanlogo this song had a strong meaning behind it but he wanted to sing it because it had a great tune to it. Free life takes a change – chapter 15 Keon was now a big part of my life and was like a brother to me, his mum was a thoughtful woman and she welcomed me into her family. I took the job of permanently teaching his class and in the process I even taught myself new things and the children told me about the animals and wildlife that surrounds them. That night Mandisa walked up to me with tears building up in her eyes, she told me that the mayor said that I couldn’t stay any longer, he needed help back home. So unfortunately my time in Africa came to an end. I was heartbroken to leave my new family, I felt like someone when I was there and didn’t want to go.

Contract Law: Frustration Essay

Question Martina owns two houses in Loughchester. In May, she entered into a contract with Loughchester University for it to rent the houses for the coming academic year for use as student accommodation. The University paid Martina  £750 straight away, with the rent to be paid to Martina by the University monthly in arrears. Martina then engaged Roger Roofers Ltd to carry out repairs on the roofs of the houses, to be completed by 23 September, in time for the arrival of the students. She paid Roger Roofers  £1,000, with the balance of  £3,000 to be paid on completion of the work. Consider the effect on Martina’s contracts of the following events. (a) On 1 September, when Roger Roofers had completed work on the first house, but not started on the second, the second house was struck by lightning, causing a fire that destroyed both houses. (b) As in (a), but only the second house was destroyed. The first house escaped damage. (c) As a consequence of an unexpected restriction on student numbers imposed by the government, Loughchester University recruited fewer students for its courses than it had expected and had a surplus of accommodation. It told Martina on 20 September that it would not need to use her houses, and regarded their contract as at an end. It also requested the repayment of the  £750 already paid. ANSWER The doctrine of frustration applies when there is a change of circumstances, after the conclusion of a contract; consequently rendering the contract impossible to perform or depriving the contract of its commercial purpose by the occurrence of an unexpected event not due to the act or default of either party. In the event of a contact being frustrated the contract is discharged at that date. Examples of some of the unforeseen events that have been acknowledged as giving rise to frustration are destruction of the subject matter (Taylor v Caldwell (1863)), government interference (BP Exploration v Hunt (1982)), supervening illegality (Denny, Mott and Dickson v James Fraser (1944)), strikes (The Nema (1982)) and ill health (Condor v Barron Knights (1966)). The Law Reform (Frustrated Contracts) Act 1943 was passed to provide a fair appointment of losses where a contract is discharged by frustration. The main provisions in the 1943 Act are s.1(2), which deals with recovery of money paid or payable prior to the frustrating event (Gamerco SA v ICM/Fair Warning Agency (1995)), and s.1(3), which deals  with benefits given prior to that event. However, although in certain circumstances s 2(3) of the Act allows recovery for benefits conferred prior to the frustrating event, in BP Exploration v Hunt (1979), it was held that the frustrating event has had an effect of destroying the benefit, nothing will be recoverable under s.1(3). Situation (a) In the first situation, the two houses have been destroyed. According to the Implied Term Theory Test in Taylor v Caldwell (1863), the complete destruction of the specific objects necessary for performance of the contract will frustrate it. As regards the contract with the University, for many years it was thought that the doctrine of frustration could not apply to a lease for the reason that a lease created an interest in land and that interest in land was unaffected by the alleged frustrating event – Cricklewood Property Investment Trust v Leighton’s Investment Trusts Ltd (1945). However, this view was rejected by the House of Lords in National Carriers Ltd v Panalpina (Northern) Ltd (1981), it was held that a lease could be frustrated if intended use of the land became impossible. Therefore in line with this, the use of the land for the accommodation of the students was impossible to use again. Consequently the University’s obligation to pay rent will be disch arged. However can it recover the  £750 that it has already paid? According to S.1(2) allows money paid prior to the frustrating event to be returned, whether or not there is a total failure of consideration, and monies due prior to the date of frustration cease to be payable. S.1 (2) also allows for the recovery or retention of money to cover expenses incurred in relation to the contract. The extent of such an award is at the discretion of the court and is limited to the amount paid or due to be paid before the frustrating event. On the other hand, Martina will argue that she has spent money preparing the houses for student accommodation, and that she should therefore be able to retain the  £750. However in Gamerco SA v ICM/Fair Warning Agency (1995), it was made clear that just because expenses have been incurred this does not automatically mean that retention of money paid will be allowed. Hence, the court will consider all of the circumstances, before deciding what a just result is. Therefore, on the facts given, Martina may be allowed to retain some or all of the  £500 towards her expenses. Nevertheless, it should be noted that s 1(2) does not  allow her to be awarded more than the  £750 that has already been paid, even if her expenses exceed this amount. The contract between Martina and Roger Roofers will be frustrated, as the work cannot be completed. S.1 (2) provides that money paid prior to the frustrating event is recoverable; therefore allowing Martina to recover the  £1,000. However Roger Roofers may argue that its expenses far exceed the  £1,000 and that the full amount should be retained. Under s.1 (3) a just sum can be awarded by the court to Roger Roofers for the work done on the first house to compensate for this. Yet, under the common law, this would have been impossible, since the decision in Appleby v Myers (1867) established that where the obligation to pay for work does not arise until after the frustrating event, no compensation for work done is recoverable. Thus, Roger Roofers will not be able to recover anything under s 1(3), regardless of the fact that it has done half the work under the contract. Situation (b) Here it involves one house being destroyed, that is, the contract may be frustrated. As per the contract between Martina and the University, the contract can still accommodate students. It was only one house that was destroyed. However, the main issue here will be whether the contract has become ‘radically different’ from what was intended by the parties. The frustrating event rendered the contract impossible, illegal, or radically different from that which was originally agreed to (Davis Contractors Ltd v Fareham (1956)). Reference to cases such as Krell v Henry (1903) and Herne Bay Steam Boat Company v Hutton (1903), the trips round the bay could still be made. Fewer visitors were likely to avail themselves of the opportunity, and therefore the contract to hire the boat for prospective tours was likely to be less lucrative but not impossible nor fundamentally different from the performance agreed. Similarly, the contract between Martina and the University is less beneficial but there is no reason as to why it may be frustrated. Martina could argue that the contract was actually frustrated since otherwise she may be liable for breach in providing only one house, rather than two. Hence, the contract is in fact ‘radically different’, since only half of it can be performed. Thus, the 1943 Act will be applied same as in situation (a). The contract with Roger Roofers is frustrated, since the completion of its work is impossible. However the house on which the  roofing work has been done did survived the frustrating event. Consequently, Roger Roofers will use this to get compensation under s 1(3) of the 1943 Act. As Martina obtained a valuable benefit in that she now has a house with a repaired roof. Therefore, the court will consider the fact that Martina has to something to roger Roofers in addition to the  £1,000 already paid. Given that about half the work has been done, therefore a further  £1,000 might be given to him, to bring her payment up to half the contract price. Situation (c) In this situation, it was the government’s restriction on student numbers that may be regarded as the frustrating event. Therefore, this clearly affects the contract between Martina and the University; hence the contract with Roger Roofers should be disregarded. The government’s intervention can lead to the frustration of a contract. In Metropolitan Water Board v Dick Kerr (1918) involved the requisitioning of property in war time. The issue with the University is that, some students were requesting accommodation, but they allocated them to premises other than Martina’s houses. However, the doctrine of frustration will not operate if the frustrating event was self-induced (Maritime National Fish Ltd v Ocean Trawlers Ltd [1935] AC 524). This limitation to the doctrine will apply even where the choice is simply, as to which contract to breach, as in the Super Servant Two [1990]. In allocating students accommodation other than Martina, the University exercised choice. Therefore the contract is not frustrated. The University has breached their contract with Martina. Consequently she will be allowed to retain the  £750 already paid. Any other losses would be recoverable, subject to the usual rules on remoteness and causation. On the contrary, under s.1(2) which allows money paid prior to the frustrating event to be returned, whether or not there is a total failure of consideration, and monies due prior to the date of frustration cease to be payable; the university might argue that they ought to recover money to cover expenses incurred in relation to the contract. The extent of such an award is at the discretion of the court and is limited to the amount paid or due to be paid before the frustrating event.