Saturday, December 28, 2019

Parent and Child Relationships of Oedipus Rex and Live Alone

In society, the sense of family is one of the core values in life. One of the most common relationships in a family is that of the parent and child. Throughout history, playwrights have composed pieces containing the impressionable relationship of a parent and a child. Sophocles and Deborah Salem Smith effectively use the strained relationships of Oedipus and Jocasta, and Helen Warren and Clementine to develop their plays Oedipus Rex and Love Alone. While both plays contain parent and child relationships, the type of relationship proves to be radically different. In Oedipus Rex, Jocasta serves as the Queen of Thebes and Oedipus is an abandoned son of Jocasta and current king of Thebes. In the beginning of the play, Oedipus, happily married to Jocasta, has several children with the Queen. Jocasta’s first husband was King Laius, and together they gave birth to Oedipus. Jocasta and Laius heard a devastating prophecy, which stated that their son was going to kill his father and ma rry his mother. In order to avoid this prophecy, Jocasta and Laius bound Oedipus’s ankles and left him on a mountainside to die. Ironically, Jocasta and Oedipus’ relationship was doomed the second Oedipus was born. In the play Love Alone, Susan, Helen Warren’s partner and Clementine’s biological mother dies due to complications while under surgery. The death of Susan, causes Clementine’s and Helen’s relationship to become closer than ever before, although at first it seems to be a little to closeShow MoreRelatedPsychoanalytic Criticism Of Sons And Lovers1597 Words   |  7 PagesDavid Herbert Lawrence was born September 11, 1885 in a small coal mining village in Nottingham, England. He was the fourth child of Arthur and Lydia Lawrence. Arthur was a coal miner who worked in the mine from age 10 until he was 66. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay Canto 8 of Dante’s Inferno - 1415 Words

In recent discussions of Canto 8 of Dante’s Inferno, many scholars have argued about Dante the pilgrim’s controversial abuse of one of the wrathful sinners of the fifth circle, Filippo Argenti. The altercation between the two is viewed in numerous lights. From one perspective it is seen as unjustified (ira mala) because Dante is seen as guilty of the sin being punished for in this circle, but also because his response was wrongly motivated. Others state that Dante’s anger was righteous (ira bona) because there was proper reasoning behind it. Kleinhenz, one particular scholar, argues that Dante’s outburst at Filippo Argenti is a result of the praise Dante received after initially criticizing the sinner. In his book, Inferno 8: The†¦show more content†¦My opinion, however, is that Dante’s outburst was both ira mala and ira bona. Dante’s treatment of Argenti was motivated by many different factors and therefore the force that compelled Dante to act in the way that he did can not be classified solely as righteous or indignant. Dante’s obsession with Virgil is evident in the nicknames that Dante uses –leader, lord, master, sweet father and teacher to name a few. Dante’s idolization of Virgil the poet causes him to act out in order to please his guide. For example, when Dante first recognizes Argenti as the sinner in the mud he cries out to him, â€Å"With weeping and mourning cursed spirit, now remain; for I recognize you, though you are filthy all over,† (Inf. 8.33-35). In this passage, Dante is not verbally abusing Argenti rather he is simply telling the sinner to remain where he is in order to prevent Argenti from reaching over the boat. After these words however, Virgil becomes elated at Dante’s distaste with the sinner and immediately praises Dante. Dante does not take these words of praise lightly - in fact, they affect Dante to such great extremes that they practically goad him to continue to wish pain upon Argenti. Many would argue that Virgil’s praise must be proper and accurate because of Virgil’s status as a â€Å"all-knower† throughout the Inferno, but just because Virgil has successfully ledShow MoreRelatedDante Alighieri ( 1265-1321 )1353 Words   |  6 PagesCampaldino. 2. There was a lot of political unrest during Dante’s lifetime, as well as a horde of new poetical and literary movements that arose. This was due to the Guelfi Party’s split into two: those in favor of the pope and those in favor of the emperor. In addition, the new poetical movement that came about was called the â€Å"Stilnovo†, and was basically a style where poets would discuss their feelings of love and theorize about love. 3. 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Yet this purificationRead MoreComparing Dante s Inferno And Virgil s The Aeneid1016 Words   |  5 PagesThere are many similarities between Dante’s The Inferno and Virgil’s The Aeneid, be it their characterizations or descriptive imagery, but foremost in their ideas of what the afterlife consisted of. Each e ach epic hero in the works here have descended in to the depths of hell, with The Inferno depicting Dante’s descent into the depths of hell and with Virgil in Book VI of The Aeneid depicting Aeneas’s decent into hell. It can be argued that although different, the knowledge acquired by each character’sRead More Inferno as a Manifestation of the Pain of Dante Alighieri Essay1502 Words   |  7 PagesInferno as a Manifestation of the Pain of Dante Alighieri Dantes Inferno was a great epic poem of the early Renaissance. It was known for its astute commentary on political and religious levels, both deeply woven into the work through allegory. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Is Don John a credible villain Essay Example For Students

Is Don John a credible villain? Essay Is Don John a credible villain?Don John is a believable villain because he is a bastard which means that in Elizabethan times Don John would have been seen as evil. Don Johns legitimate brother on the other hand is wealthy and well respected by everyone. Don John hates Claudio because Claudio has taken his position as Don Pedros right hand man. Don John even acknowledges his own evil and he also shows no mercy. Don Johns character doesnt alter throughout the play, meaning he is only there to cause trouble. Don John dislikes Don Pedro because Don John is the illegitimate brother, a bastard child. This means that he isnt recognised by the court of Messina or by anyone. Although Don John is of royal blood, his royal blood wouldve been respected but not him. In those times, Don John would have had the social status of a prostitute. This is no fault of Don John, but only because his parents werent married when he was conceived. Don John is always so gloomy because he isnt respected, he sa ys to Conrade There is no measure in the occasion that breeds, therefore the sadness is without limit. Don Pedro the legitimate brother is highly respected by everyone and is probably very wealthy, Don John would have had nothing. Don is jealous of his brother because of all the admiration he gets from others. In Shakespearean times, everyone would have expected Don John to be evil because he was a bastard. No one would been surprised when Don John tried to ruin Claudios hopes of marrying Hero. In fact people would have expected Don John to do something evil. The fact that people expect him to do something evil makes him such a credible villain. When the men went to war, Claudio proved himself to Don Pedro. Claudio took the position away from Don John as Don Pedros right hand man. This much to Don Johns displeasure, he says to Conrade He has all the glories of my overthrow. This means that Claudio is now best friends with Don Pedro and being called a hero by Don Pedro. A characteris tic of a credible villain is a motive for their evilness, Don Johns is he is jealous of Claudios relationship with his brother. Don John tries to ruin Claudios happiness by claming Hero has been unfaithful. Don John also has henchmen, which is another characteristic of a villain. Nowadays, it is hard to understand why it is so horrific that Hero isnt a virgin(but she was). But in those times being a virgin until marriage was a huge thing. Hero would have been cast out of court and it would have been the end of her life. Although some women would have gone off to be nuns. Don John, knowing what would happen to her; carries out his plan to ruin Heros life anyway in order to hurt Claudio. The fact that Don John shows no mercy , is more evidence that he is a credible villain. Don John does not let his emotions get the better of him. Don John is aware of his own evil, he says to Conrade let it be known that I am a plain dealing villain. Some could argue that Don John isnt plain dealing because he is devious. If Don John wasnt sneaky he wouldnt really be a believable villain. Don John is plain dealing in the villain sense of the word. Don John also doesnt care what people think of him, he says to Conrade I would rather be a canker in a hedge than a rose in anyones grace. One could say that this quote is similar to Niccolo Machiavellis It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both. Don John isnt liked by others, Beatrice says that he suffers from a melancholy disposition. Villains are normally disliked by others and Don John is also a bit mischievous which are characteristics of a villain. Don John doesnt have a big part in the play. But it is a comedy, not a tragedy; so the focus is not on the villains but on the resolution of the conflict. Don Johns character does not change throughout the play, whi ch proves that he is a credible villain because he is only there to cause trouble. Don Johns soul purpose in the play is to cause trouble. The fact that he doesnt change throughout the play proves that he is a believable villain. Villains are not real villains if theyre evil and develop into a good person later on in the play. Don John says to Conrade, let me be that I am and seek not to alter me. Don John likes being evil and does not want to change who he is. Don is jealous of his legitimate brother Don Pedro. Elizabethans would have expected Don John to be evil because he was a bastard. Don John hates Claudio because he is now best friends with Claudio. Don John is merciless and does not let his emotions get the better of him. Don John displays hatred, envy, is hardhearted and is apathetic to peoples judgments of him. These characteristics are of a credible villain, although some argue that he isnt a credible villain nowadays; he would of definitely been one in Elizabethan times. As Dante Alighieri once said, Avarice, envy, pride, three fatal sparks, have set the hearts of all on fire.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Leisure and consumption

Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Over the years, there have been changes in the way different classes of people view both leisure and consumption based on their income as well as their lifestyle.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Leisure and consumption specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Human beings aspire to be recognized by others and to form part of the most respected groups in society. There is therefore a struggle as people aspire to attain higher status and be among the upper class. This paper is going to look at the differences in the two aspects; leisure and consumption among the upper and middle class Americans during the late 19th century and the last part of the 20th century. Discussion There are a number of factors that have made the institution of leisure different among the different classes of people. Key among them is the fact that various forms of emp loyment have been a preserve of the upper class, for instance, they have specifically been excluded from industrial occupations and they take up those occupations within which more honor is attached such as the priestly office. The church has been used as a way of expressing social status with the clergy being paid well without necessarily having to do much work. Conspicuous leisure is where people take up leisure activities that show off social status. This has taken different forms with time. An example may be taking long holidays to exotic destinations and getting souvenirs while at it. The aspect of conspicuous leisure was first introduced by an American economist- Thorstein Veblen. During the 19th century, the upper class would own property such as land but would not take part in manual labor. They spent much of their time on leisure activities. As industrialization took place, the upper class became more useless in society as they mainly consumed but did not take part in the p roduction of goods and services (Veblen, 23). Conspicuous consumption on the other hand takes place among the upper class where they spend money on goods and services that display their wealth or income. The goods are not consumed for their specific utility but rather as a form of attaining status. The status was and continues to be viewed not only through the ownership of property but also through the ownership of persons specifically women. The use of slaves was a form of power and any kind of manual labor was a preserve of the poor in society. The upper class affected various aspects of life. For instance, women were used as trophies and this has continued to happen in modern society where women are used to show a man’s success. Sports such as football have continued to grow only as a result of conspicuous leisure and consumption of the upper class (Veblen, 44).Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Vicarious leisure and consumption on the other hand are the types of leisure and consumption that developed over the 20th century where masters used their servants to show off their wealth. The masters give their servants the time and opportunity to take part in leisure activities as a means of showing off their status. The upper class also portrayed vicarious leisure by having non productive labor performed by servants at a fee. Personal services are therefore performed by employees instead of a member of the household (Veblen, 49). Old money was the wealth that the very rich acquired through inheritance. This form of wealth was passed down from generation to generation. In the 1930’s there was a division of the upper class in the United States. There were the upper-upper class, whose families had inherited their wealth and the lower-upper class who had attained their wealth through investments as opposed to inheritance (Aldrich, 31). Old moneyhad one major advantage; it gave the young people who had inherited it a platform on which to develop themselves without having to worry about basic need such as housing and food. They would therefore be able to develop faster than those who did not have any inheritance. Families that were rich would command respect than those which did not which meant that old money was important in society and as a form of acquiring status. The inherited wealth may be in the form of either property such as land, businesses or slaves (Aldrich, 31). The leisure class composed of the elite in society who operated in circles and they spent a lot having other people attend to what they required. Over the years however, these circles have been broken or at least weakened as more people are able to afford leisure activities that were previously a preserve of the leisure class. In the past, some of the leisure activities included going to the theatre, playing polo and fox hunting. Leisure resources have however increa sed for instance sports teams and community centers therefore the activities that previously symbolized luxury have become affordable to many. The upper class is therefore forced to keep looking for new activities that are not taken up by people from lower social classes (Ruskin, 22).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Leisure and consumption specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More During the post war era, the middle class in many states like Florida were able to get into jobs that were well paying. This therefore meant that they had high wages and would in turn be able to take part in leisure activities. They stopped viewing leisure as well as conspicuous consumption as only for the upper class but as something they could as well afford. In an attempt to raise ranks from the middle to the upper class, the middle class emulated the activities and consumption patterns of the upper class. The difference between the upper an d the middle class was that while the upper class stayed away from work, the middle class put a lot of effort in their work so that they may be able to afford the leisure activities. The middle class would wish accumulate wealth by being very producing in their early years and then staying away from such work after the wealth had been attained. Society was of the view that staying away from labor was a way of showing one’s level of wealth (Mormino, 223). The definition of high status has continued to change as the world becomes more dominated by celebrities. The upper class now comprises of famous people who define the trends such as fashion. As young people grow they emulate those people who are able to attract media attention. Both consumption and leisure have continued to be affected by celebrities. Companies have even used celebrities in their marketing strategy in an attempt to increase profits. With the help of the media, celebrities have been able to influence the way people think and behave (Veblen, 225). Conclusion As all Americans wished to form part of the upper class in America which was signified by both consumption behavior and leisure activities, the definitions of both leisure and consumption changed between the 19th and 20th century. One major difference is that the middle class in the late 20th century were in a position to engage in the activities that were a preserve of the upper class during the 19th century. It is also clear that as the media exposes more and more celebrities, the definition of high status has changed. Celebrity status has become the way in which status is portrayed in contemporary society.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Works Cited Aldrich, Nelson. Old money: the mythology of wealth in America. New York: Allworth Communications, 1997. Print Mormino, Gary. Land of Sunshine, State of Dreams: A Social History of Modern Florida. Florida: University Press of Florida, 2008. Ruskin, John. The stones of Venice: The Savageness of Gothic Architecture. Bavaria: the Bavarian State Library, 2008 Veblen, Thorstein. The theory of the leisure class. New York: Forgotten Books, 1965 This essay on Leisure and consumption was written and submitted by user Bruno Merritt to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Dracula Essays (702 words) - English-language Films, Dracula

Dracula Bram Stoker's Dracula The setting of the story begins in 19th century Europe, in the eerie country of Transylvania. A solicitor from England named Jonathan Harker is sent by a business man to meet with an old Count named Dracula at his castle located far from civilization. Residents of Transylvania who become aware of his destination begin crossing themselves and giving him garlic and blessings. As a result of these gestures, Mr. Harker soon develops an uneasy feeling about visiting the mysterious Count. He arrives at Castle Dracula regardless, and meets with Dracula. He soon realizes that the count is no normal human, but an evil, blood-sucking vampire, who can command animals and elements with the wave of his hand. Harker escapes but the Count has devised an intricate plan to move to London and exercise his evil forces on innocent people there. However, a group of friends, including an open-minded but ingenious professor, a psychologist, an American, a rich man, as well as Jon an Harker and his wife Mina, learn of the Count's sinister plan and pledge to destroy him before he can create an army of un-dead vampires. They systematically destroy his coffins with holy wafers and chase him out of England back to Castle Dracula. There they carry out an ultimate plan to destroy Dracula. The Author uses suspense as a storytelling device rather effectively throughout the story. There are a fair number of parts in which the reader is left suspended on the edge of seat, eager to find out what is to happen next. However, there were parts where suspense could be used in a manner that would enhance the gravity of the plot. Nonetheless, The movie is written in a unique way that allows suspense to be used easily and effectively built up. Dracula is written in first person like many other novels but then it differs slightly. The book starts off as a first person Journal of the first character describing his experiences. But then it switches to someone else's journal, and then to letters between two characters, and later to a newspaper article. It follows this pattern roughly throughout the book. At various points, the plot builds up with one character's journal and then it jumps to another character's journal so that you must read a ways through it before the exciting conclusion to that particular event is revealed. At other times deductions must be made on what a character has written to ascertain what has occurred. There is a good example of this when the first character, Jonathan Harker, is imprisoned in the castle close to sunset and knows that the Count will attack him that night. His journal ends as he describes what he might do to escape. But the success of his escape is not evident until the first part of his fiancee's journal is completed. This sort of suspense can be quite frustrating and annoying at times. Thus it's purpose is often defeated and the plot suffers. But there is also the more prevalent type of suspense used where the character is on the verge of an important discovery or he is in a dangerous predicament but the author is slow to divulge what is to happen. When the suspense was used properly, it proved to be both interesting and very dramatic. In conclusion, Bram Stoker's Dracula turned out to be a very exciting and fascinating novel. The plot was well structured and was very suspenseful. The author used his historical knowledge of Europe, particularly Hungary and Transylvania, very well in conveying a certain idea in the book. For example, Count Dracula was described as a noble of the Magyar peoples of eastern Europe who fought valiantly against invaders during the 14th and 15th centuries. Full insight was given into the minds and personalities of almost all of the well developed characters. Initially, the Count remained somewhat mysterious for a specific reason. This allowed for the main characters to slowly discover who the Count really was thus developing the character slowly for the reader. The mistery built into his character intensified the mystery. Suspense was used throughout the movie. The book probed deeply into peoples superstitions, fears, and beliefs of the supernatural, and how others are skeptic of them are sometimes proved wrong. In all, Dracula is a clever, exciting, and suspenseful movie, I hope you take the time to watch it. I hear that the novel is also good. Mythology Essays

Sunday, November 24, 2019

OKC Bombing

OKC Bombing Brandon BauernfeindMr. ButlerCriminology8/15/2013Oklahoma City BombingOn April 19th, 1995 Oklahoma City was the target of one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in history. The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City was the main target of this attack. Materials found and used in the everyday life such as diesel fuel, agricultural fertilizers and various other products were used to make the explosive device. The blast from the explosive turned a third of the building into rubble; the north side wall was completely gone, the blast destroyed many cars in the explosion and damaged around 324 buildings surrounding the blast sight (, pp. n.d).The explosive device was loaded in a truck and parked in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. The fuse triggered the blast. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the bomb went off at precisely 9:02 am.FBI sketch of Timothy McVeighThe tuck contained over 4,800 pounds of explosive.The criminals con victed of this crime are named Timothy McVeigh the main master mind behind this explosion, who was an ex army solider and a security guard. Terry Nichols who was an associate of Timothy McVeigh and also served in the army alongside him. Michael and Lori Fortier also accomplice Timothy to achieve his plan.The primary motivation behind this explosion was due to the resentment towards the federal government shared by the two convicts. They were particularly unhappy and angry towards the handling of the Waco siege in 1993 and FBI's standoff against Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge in 1992, where Randy's wife and son were killed during the shootout. The Waco siege lasted for almost 51 days, where a simple search warrant executed by the ATF agents against a religious sect called Branch Davidian, led to a gun fight. During...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Surrealism - Leonora Carrington Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Surrealism - Leonora Carrington - Essay Example The essay "Surrealism - Leonora Carrington" discusses surrealism and the figure of Leonora Carrington. She got most of her morale from her mother who encouraged her to participate in art. Besides encouraging her, her mother played an important role in shaping her daughters career. In 1936 she gave Carrington Herbert Read’s book titled surrealism. This played a major role in encouraging her to turn up to be a surrealist. In 1937, Carrington met Max Ernst the person who had influenced her into surrealism before he even met him. This led to their marriage as Ernst separated with her wife to settle with Carrington. Most of her paintings were images of beast something that she attributes to have learnt from her culture in Mexico. She also depicts pictures of horses in most her diagrams something she affirms as a woman’s source of strength. Her main aim of painting and writing was to engage in unconscious forms of art as a philosophy of the surrealism. This paper is going to analyze the artistic background of Leonora Carrington. The paper looks into her influence in surrealism and tackles most of her novels and paintings. Just like any other artist, Carrington was attracted to surrealism with the interest of resolving contradicting conditions of dream and realities. This was the main aim for many artists mostly painters and novelist to join the surrealism movement. Most of these artists attribute their works to the influence of philosophers. For example, when Sigmund Freud developed his work of free association.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ethical Issue currently facing the Army Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Ethical Issue currently facing the Army - Essay Example With the attack being at the center stage of making references, this paper unearth on how the American response to the attack related with the ethics as stipulated in the military. The paper then discusses factors that necessitated the emergence of the issue, its impacts in the military and the perceived enemies and civilians. Thus, recommendations after a scrutiny of the above concerns are made in attempt to enable the military amicable strike a suitable balance regarding the ethical conduct and response. Following the chronology given above, this paper tends to account for every stage as considered below. With reference to the abstract, appreciation that in military, the junior officers take orders without questioning is construable. In this case, we will be considering the act of killing in military. Given the level of orders execution in the military, chances are that they can partake in mass killing without justification on the perceived enemies and observes nothing sinister. This is because they are not given the chance to evaluate what is ethical and, which is not. Considering the religious teachings from Christianity, Hindu, and the Buddhist, there is unequivocal respect to the sanctity of life and that none should deprive the other such right. Killing in this context is prohibited and not tolerated-it is immoral and unethical. This consideration has sparked animated debate within the military since the ethical aspect of killing has gained tremendous momentum and it is now being given keen inclusion in the military training. Currently, the military training has been restructured to include stringent observation and adherence to the cardinal principle of respecting life whether it is coming from the direction of the enemy or the civilian. Since the period of World War I and II, Period of the cold war where America and Russia

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Global marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Global marketing - Essay Example The airline industry is highly competitive with a large number of market players both in domestic as well as international routes. The advent of Low cost carriers has also compounded the competition with a predatory pricing mechanism (Wensveen, 2010). The key market drivers for the growth of the industry include a robust economic growth that would mean increase in business class passengers as well as growth in the tourism industry both of which can act as good drivers for the industry (AAPA, n.d.). Virgin Atlantic was established in the year 1984 under the leadership of Richard Branson under a joint venture with Singapore Airlines that has a 49 percent stake (Virgin Atlantic-a, 2011). The company headquartered at the UK is one of the most favoured and established brand in the industry (Virgin Atlantic, 2011). Considering the fact that there are a large number of market players with heightened levels of competition the role of branding assumes considerable importance in this industry so as to help create a distinction from the other brands in the market. Virgin Atlantic is a global brand and faces stiff competition from some of the well reputed brands including British Airways, Emirates and Delta Air, Continental and American Airlines in the international markets. In the domestic front it faces competition from the legacy carriers as well as low cost carriers like Ryan Air, Easy Jet etc. The competitive advantage of Virgin airlines comes from its excellence in service delivery and a formidable brand image. The project would try to analyze the global airline industry in the context of the chosen organization and would also try to formulate a suitable strategy for the expansion and growth of the airline in the US (Los Angeles) market. Virgin Airlines is a legacy carrier and caters mostly to UK based residents who constitute 60 percent of all the passengers flown by the airline. The company caters to multiple segments with

Friday, November 15, 2019

Death Of The Author English Literature Essay

Death Of The Author English Literature Essay The word Author is broadly defined by the OED as, the person who originates or gives existence to anything, but does this mean that a text is produced solely by a single author? It is clear that the author of a text will have a defined idea of what they would like their text to achieve, but can we be sure that an author is capable of producing a text that is uninfluenced by external sources? In this essay I will examine the meaning of a text and distinguish whether it is produced solely by its author or if it is a complex collaboration of the author, text and the readers own subconscious understanding. New Criticism argued that authorial intent was irrelevant to understanding a piece of literature. In their essay The Intentional Fallacy, W.K. Wimsatt and Monroe Beardsley wrote that the design or intention of the author is neither available nor desirable as a standard for judging the success of a work of literary art  [1]  . They argued that an author could not be reconstructed from a piece of writing and that the only source of meaning came from the text itself, with any details of the authors desires or life being purely extraneous. Critics such as Roland Barthes and Michel Foucault have scrutinized the role of authorship to the meaning and interpretation of a text. In Barthes essay Death of the Author, he criticizes the method of reading and criticism that relies on aspects of the authors identity to distil meaning from the authors work. This death is directed at the author expressing an inner vision, not at the idea of writing. He is opposing a view of texts as expressing a distinct personality of the author and despises the idea that they consciously create masterpieces. Barthes states the idea that the explanation and meaning of a work does not have to be sought in the one who produced it, as if it were always in the end, through the more or less transparent allegory of the fiction, the voice of a single person, the author confiding in us  [2]  . The author can be disregarded when interpreting a text, because it is language which speaks, not the author; the words are rich enough themselves with all of th e traditions of language. The words and language of a text itself determine and expose meaning for Barthes, and not someone possessing legal responsibility for the process of its production. The author is merely a scriptor. The scriptor exists to produce but not to explain the work, the origin of meaning lies exclusively in language itself and its impressions on the reader. Barthes notes that the traditional critical approach to literature raises a problem of which we cannot detect precisely what the writer intended. Julia Kristeva invented the term intertextuality, suggesting that no text is free of other texts. Intertextuality leads to speculations about the idea of a text guaranteeing stability and identity. If a text is partly explained by a whole series of other texts, then its meaning clearly does not reside wholly inside it, but is also produced by its relation with other texts. Every reader may have a different understanding of the meaning of a text depending on the external texts they associate with it. Looking at William Shakespeares play intertextually, Romeo and Juliet prompts literary criticism as the play shares a relationship with other literary texts. Romeo and Juliets plot is based around more than one different source, making the audience question the originality of the play itself. Shakespeare based his play on an Italian tale, translated into verse as The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet by Arthur Brooke in 1562. Romeo and Juliet is a dramatisation of Brookes translation, which Shakespeare has followed closely. We see this through Romeos dialogue as he says, Is she a Capulet? / O dear account! my life is my foes debt.  [3]  Shakespeare literally mirrors the plot of Brookes tale in his own So hath he learned her name, and knowth she is no geast, / Her father was a Capulet,  [4]  It is hard to claim that Shakespeare has ownership of this play along with the idea that this is not an original idea and the content of his play has come from influences around him. Shakespeare was also heavily influenced by Ovids Metamorphoses, taking inspiration from the tragic love story of Pyramus and Thisbe. In Ted Hughes translation, it is clear to see that Shakespeare has been influenced by Ovid, The parents of each forbade their child / To marry the other. That was that. / But prohibition feeds love, mirroring the exact same family feud and passion in Romeo and Juliet  [5]  , Deny thy father and refuse thy name; / Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, / And Ill no longer be a Capulet (Act 2, Scene II; ll 34-36). There are rumoured to be so many sources behind one of Shakespeares most well-known masterpieces, this certainly begs the question of whether Shakespeare was original and if he gave meaning to his own work. It is appropriate to approach an Elizabethan play as a collaborative work, given the amount of people used to successfully create a play. A piece of drama is inevitably constructed by many hands, adding to the meaning of the play. Romeo and Juliet would not just be defined by William Shakespeare, but how the play was performed would have enormous effect on its meaning along with those involved in the making of it. Romeo and Juliet was arguably not written by Shakespeare, he took influences from many different texts, collaborating with many other writers. The writing behind Romeo and Juliet does not define the play, but it is the staging and performance that make the play what it is. Performance adds to the text in the sense of connecting to it gestures, symbols and staging, these all produce a definition not in the text itself. In a well-known quotation, Barthes draws an analogy between text and textiles, the text is a tissue of quotations drawn from the innumerable centres of cultur e (pp. 142-48) meaning that one persons work is never original. It is the reader/viewer that makes a piece of literature what it is, whether that is personal or not. It is difficult to judge whether a piece of literature successfully carries out what it means to attempt because we can never be certain of the writers intent in the first place. For example Robert Frosts The Silken Tent opened up to much debate about whether the poem was really symbolising a woman and questioned the possibility of its supporting central cedar pole (l. 5) actually representing a boat with language rich in relatable words, for example, guy ropes and compass. It should not be wrong to have a different opinion of a text, finding meaning in literature is all about your personal tastes and experiences allowing you to relate to texts. Literature is all about what you as a reader make of a text in your own personal way. There seems to be no guarantee in this process that the origins of the text, the conventions of the message and the readers opinion are identical in any way. A piece of literature depends on the words and contexts which surround it, but these contexts are not always significant when looking for meaning in a text. The language of textuality itself will present an argument that is potentially counter to the authors conscious intent. The meaning of a text is not produced solely by an author; it is a complex collaboration between author, text and reader. Shakespeare did not give Romeo and Juliet meaning, meaning was created through the text and performance of the play and by the viewer creating their own personal opinions about it. Shakespeare may have been the origin behind Romeo and Juliet but there are many different sources that could have been seen to be used, questioning the originality of the play. The essential meaning of a piece of literature depends on the impression it has made on the reader, the writers passions and tastes do not come into it. Meaning is a collaboration of all these different factors, it cannot be gathered purely from just the author because there may have been no authorial intent behind that text and literature is all about your own personal opinion and where you take that text in your mind. Barthes makes an important point saying, a texts unity lies not in its origins [] but in its d estination, (pp. 142-48) meaning that it all comes down to the reader and society, a piece of texts origins are unimportant. Word Count: 1560

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nathaniel Hawthornes Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment :: Literature Authors Essays

Nathaniel Hawthorne's Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment Leon Trotsky, the Russian revolutionist, wrote in his Diary in Exile, " The depth and strength of a human character are defined by its moral reserves. People reveal themselves completely only when they are thrown out of the customary conditions of their life, for only then do they have to fall back on their reserves." Nathaniel Hawthorne gives us a 19th century example of this phenomenon in "Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment". The theme of this story is that a person’s character, once developed does not change over time, and when faced with conflict and adversity, their true character becomes boldly evident. Hawthorne himself provides the narration, although he does not identify his character, nor is his character present during the experiment. The narrator appears to be telling this story based on events relayed to him by other people, and there are times throughout the story when Hawthorne admits that the events are sometimes unbelievable. He leads us to question whether this story actually takes place, or is the story merely a tool, a demonstration of a moral Puritan principle, similar to a parable found in the Bible. The effect is the same: a lesson about morality, about living life as God would want us to, and the consequences we suffer when we fail to do so. Relevant symbols are abounding in this story, from setting to names to objects. The dim room that the five occupy is a symbol of death, the death that they will soon face. Complete with dust, cobwebs and a skeleton, the description of the room is more like that of a mausoleum, instead of the good Dr.’s study. The oak bookcases are reminiscent of the wood that will create their coffins. More peculiar is the large black folio. The folio is a scrapbook that represents Dr. Heidegger’s life. We all have a folio. It is that glimpse of our own lives, that flash we see briefly but completely right before our eyes when faced with the unexpected reality of our own death. God sees this folio also, but in a manner more thoroughly than we would. In this sense Dr. Heidegger symbolizes God. But is Heidegger in fact playing God by giving these poor souls this elixir of life?

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Summer and People

India is a tropical country. Here Summer Season is felt more prominently than any other season. Ordinarily, we begin to feel the summer heat from the month of April to the second week of June. This season is remarkable for the heat. People suffer from terrible heat right from the morning till the midnight. In the morning people feel a gentle breeze. Then the sun rises and the horror of the heat commences. All the activities of the people are done with a little comfort only in the morning time. As the sun rises heat is felt.People are afraid to go out. Due to terrible heat, streets and roads become lonely. Those who take up some journey in day time get tired very soon. Very often they are affected by the sun-stroke. Dehydration occurs as body sweats heavily. If we do not take plenty of water, we break down. The mid-day is the most horrible and unbearable part of the day. Birds and other animals take rest. Sometimes wind blows carrying hot particles of dust. Sometimes there is no wind. There is only radiation and heat. They sit under the shade of trees.Still there is no relief from the heat. They frequently feel thirsty. People keep their cattle confined to the shed. This hot condition prevails up to four o'clock in the afternoon. Although the sun comes down in the sky the blazing heat does not decrease. When people come out, the skin of their body feels burning. Ponds and pools dry up. The water level in wells also goes down. People often walk miles and miles to fetch water. If there is scanty water in a pond, people use that water for all purposes. Thus, the unhygienic situation is created.Of course, the development of science has given us coolers and fans to fight heat. This is possible only on the part of the rich. In Summer Season, violent thunderstorms arise in afternoon. They bring showers very often. People get relief from the painful heat. Schools and Colleges remain closed for Summer Vacation. Government offices function in the morning only. Cold drinks , lasi and sharbat are sold in specific stalls. Children run for ice-creams. In this season we get several fruits such as mango and jackfruit, etc.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Use the French Expression Jen Ai Ras le Bol

How to Use the French Expression Jen Ai Ras le Bol If youre a French speaker and youre frustrated, you might find yourself exclaiming, Jen ai ras le  bol! This informal phrase can be used to express everything from general discontent to extreme frustration, depending on how its used in conversation.   Expression: Jen ai ras le bol!Pronunciation: [zha(n) nay ra l(eu) buhl]Meaning: Im sick of it! Im fed up! Ive had it up to here!Literal translation: I have a bowl full of it.Register: informalNotes: The French expression jen ai ras le bol doesnt specify what your bowl is full of, but its probably safe to assume that its aggravation, frustration, or one of their close cousins.   Ras-le-bol can also serve as an exclamation indicating that enough is enough, or as a noun referring to general dissatisfaction. Examples   Ã‚  Ã‚  Il pleut depuis deux semaines, et jen ai ras le bol  !  Ã‚  Ã‚  Its been raining for two weeks, and Im sick of it!  Ã‚  Ã‚  Le ras-le-bol à ©tudiant augmente depuis des annà ©es.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Student unrest has been on the rise for years. Synonymous Expressions (informal): Jen ai marre, Jen ai assez, Jen ai ma claque, Jai ma dose, Jen ai plein le dos, Jen ai plein les bottes, Jen ai ras la casquette(normal register): Je ne peux plus le supporter, La coupe est pleine More Expressions with avoirExpressions with enMost common French phrases

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

CPi South Africa Essays

CPi South Africa Essays CPi South Africa Essay CPi South Africa Essay The mission of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) is the achievement and maintenance of price stability1. The price stability of goods is maintaining a constant price level for goods and services, not essentially at the same price level but rather at a constant level of price increases, i.e. a constant level of price inflation. The SARB attempts to control this price inflation through inflation targeting. Inflation targeting is the attempt to keep the level of inflation within a certain band. In South Africa this band is between 3% -6%. The SARB attempts to use the repo rate to try and affect consumer spending and control the level of spending within the economy and hence control the price inflation of goods.  CPI for all urban areas  The level of inflation is based upon the Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) level which is released by Statistics South Africa. The CPI is based on the price changes over a one year period for a basket of goods and services. This index is based on a number of factors2 which are then weighted based on the estimated total expenditure of all South African households. Stats SA performs an Income and Expenditure Survey (IES) survey to estimated the expenditure of South Africans and hence the weightings of each expenditure3. Prior to 2009 the CPI index was split between a headline CPI and a CPIX (excluding mortgage payments) however a number of changes to the weightings and basket of goods used in 2009 has brought these two in line and now the target for inflation targeting is the CPI for all urban areas.  Alternative Indices  There are a number of alternative CPIs that look at readjusting their weightings of the basket of goods and services to more accurately capture the CPI for specific sectors4 or people5. There are also indices that look at excluding factors of inflation in their calculations6, this can be done for a few reasons, it can help us differentiate between inflation that can be affected by SARB actions and inflation that cannot (i.e. external inflation caused by the price of oil increasing which the SARB has no control over). It can allow us to remove individual areas of inflation to also get a better picture of inflation less these areas. There are also indices based upon income group., this is known as the CPI per expenditure quintile, with quintile 1 being the lowest income and 5 being the highest. According to the IES survey for 2005/2006 the lower income households spent more of their income on food and non alcoholic beverages as well as clothing and footwear.  There are also differences in weightings and inflation make ups depending on the geographical location, there are indices that look at each of the nine provinces; indices that look at rural and urban and secondary urban areas. As expressed by Stats SA in there explanation of how they calculate the weightings for the CPI for all urban areas, not all South Africans consume the same goods or services, nor do they consume them in the same proportion. And later the inflation rate is based on the estimated total expenditure of all South African households It is important to understand that the figure released by Stats SA and ultimately used by SARB to target inflation, most probably will not match your own actual inflation rate. This is of particular importance for a number of reasons, such as workers looking for wage increase usually use the CPI rate announced in there wage increase negotiation discussions; investors looking for a fair rate of return will generally use the announced CPI in assessing their return. Ultimately it is important to assess whether or not the announced CPI is a good figure to use when asses future real returns on an individual level. My Own inflation Rate  If I am to look at a published index to best represent my inflation I would obviously start with the CPI for the City of Cape Town, secondly I would look at an index excluding mortgage payments which would be CPI excluding Housing. And lastly I would look at an index that would roughly cover my income range  Appendix  The CPI rate used by the reserve bank is obviously going to not match my expenditure on goods and services, so I have used the latest CPI realise from Stats SA to try and more accurately see my own CPI and then see if my interest are aligned by the SARBs current inflation targeting policy or if as an individual I would prefer them to act in other ways. There are hundreds of different aspects to each of the main inflation sectors, so it is important to note that this is just done as a quick assessment and is not particularly accurate. I have looked at the additional tables file for December 2009, which goes on to split the CPI per index by each province. So using the CPI for the Western Cape (which totals 6.6%) I attempted to more accurately weight each specified product and service according to my own expenditure. I have created a rough monthly expenditures table, divided up between each different expenditure category. I then looked at my weightings of each of these categories and multiplied it by the Actual CPI amount given. My rough CPI figure is 8.48%, although this is only a rough figure it is interesting to see where my exposure to CPI (insurance and my household maintenance and repair).  1 South African Reserve Bank, [accessed Feb 2010]  2 Food and non-alcoholic Beverages, Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, Clothing and footwear, Housing and utilities, Household contents and services, Health, Transport, Communication, Recreation and culture, Education, Restaurants and hotels, Miscellaneous goods, and services. 3 Consumer Price Index Key Changes in 2009, Stats SA, [accessed Feb 2010]  4 CPI for Durable , semi durable or non durable goods; CPI for services and CPI for food and non-alcoholic beverages (NAB)  5 CPI for Pensioners  6 CPI excluding petrol, CPI excluding energy, CPI excluding food and NAB, CPI excluding housing; CPI excluding food, NAB, petrol and energy, CPI excluding equivalent rent; CPI excluding administered prices; CPI excluding petrol and paraffin

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ground invetigation in South Florida and Hong Kong Dissertation

Ground invetigation in South Florida and Hong Kong - Dissertation Example This research is the best example of comparison between the two processes of ground investigations in the two countries Hong Kong and the South Florida state in USA. It shows that majority of ground investigation procedures in Hong Kong are involved with minerals and rocks contained on the subsurface. In Florida the process involves looking at the density and structures of soil types; this is to establish permeability to erosion. Geotechnical problems are similar with large parts having the same type of deposit. For example, the droughts occurring in the South Florida during the summers of 1947 and 1976 led to frequent observations of structural distress in houses founded on fatty clays such as the Clearly, when small structures are to be placed on such soils, their foundations will almost certainly need to go to greater depths this is dictated solely by the strength of the soil. This kind of problem is not the solitary example of its kind; Hong Kong clay regularly contains excessive amounts of soluble sulphates, this necessitates the use of sulphate battling cement. Additional instance chalk and limestone outcrops frequently contain filled dissolution features which may become unbalanced and collapse if erected upon. Another collection of problems that may be perceived from the geological map relays to the mixture of geological and topographical features. Cambering, valley protruding, gulls and dip/fault schedules are often connected to the margins of valleys wherever hard rock overlie clay. Gulls take the method of splits, often successively parallel to the deepest valley. ... There are three geographical areas: Atlantic coastal plain, Florida uplands and the East Gulf coastal plain, these make the geographical land areas of the Floridian landscape. They are structured as follows: The Atlantic coastal plain contains a landscape which is low; it also contains strips of sand bars, barrier islands and a number of coral reefs. Majority of lands are saturated with water during the rainy seasons. The east gulf coastal plan is land containing a barrier island and swamplands covering nearly the entire land. In the Florida uplands, the land is characterized by low rolling hills with red clay types of soils. Forests are majorly located in the upper South Floridian areas where water bodies are dominant. Geographical Features of Hong Kong Hong Kong is a country located in East Asia; with land approximately 1054 km3 and 500 m2 islands. The geographical areas of Hong Kong contain 3 main features which include: Hong Kong Island, New territories and the Kowloon peninsula. The land scape of the country is graded as fairly hilly, with other places having mountainous hilly steep slopes. With a territory of about 1092 square kilometers, only 25% of this is developed the others are localities for parks and other reserves. The soil in Hong Kong has a number of mineral deposits, with igneous activities primary responsible for this. Faulting has also been discovered as the other cause of mineral concentrations, this is as a result of hydro-thermal activity. The land use consists of 5% arable land, 1.01% permanent crops like forests and 93.94% being land for other uses. The countries lowest point is the South China Sea, while the highest point is the Tai Mo Shan (Rahman & Mushtoque, 2006, pp. 50). Another factor that influences soil

Friday, November 1, 2019

Reading and Answer the Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading and Answer the Question - Essay Example It is quite difficult for quite a number of people to identify artistic works. For instance, the article, â€Å"living with art† the author indicates that visitors into the Vietnam Veterans Memorial are initially unaware of small details about the artistic nature of the memorial, like the â€Å"†¦low wall at their feet† (Gracyk, 118). Through the inability of recognizing small details, there is a possibility of insinuating that they are not in a position to explore the characteristics of some pieces of art. My perception about art differs from the majority since I take recognition of the fact that art is essentially part of the human nature, and for this reason, exploring some of the detailed characteristics of artistic pieces. Through this, there is a possibility of having a better understanding of the natural world. The author uses the term â€Å"outsider art† to describe the creativity of artists that are self-taught, which are pieces that originate from people that are aware of their physical world (Hofstadter and Kuhns, 39). According to experiences by Maya Lin, her artistic ability emanated from her desire to make people aware of the natural world. These types of art have a common expression of the classical art history, which develop a unique artistic culture among a number of people. It is possible to see pure creativity to the human impulses that are manifested in people without crippling some of the effects of formal training. There is a possibility that the artistic world is a reflection of the natural world. Through this provision, one might argue that appreciation of art emanates from the aesthetic appeal that it provides. However, the entire purpose of art should not necessarily be beautiful since works of art depends on the message that the artist is seeking to instill to the viewers. On the other hand, the consideration of

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

RBA Decrease Rates for Christmas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

RBA Decrease Rates for Christmas - Essay Example The economy is made up of various components and each and every single component affects the economy differently. In the explanation and analysis of the â€Å"RBA Decrease Rates for Christmas† article, a number of economic components are considered. These components aid intensive analysis of the article based on the context of actions taken by the RBA, Central Bank and the economic responses experienced in the financial markets and the economy at large. Aggregate demand and supply plays a central role in the economy, determining the overall level of performance of the economy1. Unemployment and inflation are key determinants of the direction that the economy takes and they both affect decisions made within the economic context. Monetary policy on the other hand is undertaken by the Central Bank as a measure to manage the economy alongside fiscal policy. The two measures are crucial in managing currency trends that further determine the level of inflation in the economy. Analys is in the Context of Economic Concepts/Theories Aggregate demand and Supply The economic model is made of different sectors and industries. Each constituent sector or industry contributes towards the overall welfare of the economy. Aggregate demand and supply denotes the entire economy’s output. ... Aggregate demand brings on board total spending in the economy. The different levels of spending in the economy are made up of consumption, investment, government purchases and net exports3. The aggregate supply curve comprises of an inflationary and a non-inflationary region. This factor provides a basic principle for the required analysis in this paper. Different factors affect both aggregate demand and aggregate supply. However the interaction of the two is critical to any given analysis in the economy. National output can be either nominal or real, depending on the price base used in their computation. Where more stable prices are used to compute national output given an identified base year, real national output is computed. On the other hand, where current prices are used, nominal national output is computed. Real GDP is obtained when the aggregate demand and aggregate supply interact. On the same point, the resultant equilibrium results in the national inflation rate4. The fig ure below shows an aggregate demand-aggregate supply model: A number of factors affect both aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Only the factors that are important to this analysis will be highlighted. Income, wealth, credit availability, government demand, investment and future expectations on inflation, income, wealth and interest rates causes the aggregate demand curve to shift to the right upon an increase in any of them. An increase in some other factors causes the aggregate demand curve to shift leftwards. These are: interest rates and taxation. On the other hand, a rightward shift is observed on the aggregate supply when prior investment,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Different behavioral pattern Essay Example for Free

Different behavioral pattern Essay People from different countries have different behavioral pattern, depending upon their culture, values and ethics. They develop their mannerism from these factors. If we take into account Americans, Japanese, and Saudi Arabian and try and find out how they behave on one particular way, specially when making contact with each other while talking. We can make out amongst them who are who. An American will try and make himself stand at distance he will try to adjust himself at a comfortable position from the person he is talking to at the same time he will try and maintain eye contact. A Japanese may shake hand and stand very close while talking but he usually keep his gaze down, unlike American where his habit of constantly gazing will make you feel as you are been screened. An Arab will like to be at a very close distance from the person he is talking to, may be as close as you can feel his breath, they also like lot of check-to-check social kissing, the Hollywood style. The body language do half the talking, we all know that. But for that, we have to understand cross-cultural differences, like the one stated above in which how the people from three different countries are behaving in a different manner. If we do not understand that then we might make the people we are talking to feel uncomfortable. As an American can make a Japanese uncomfortable with his continuous gaze, and similarly Arab can make American uncomfortable with his closeness. In some South American and Mediterranean societies eye contact, touching and smiling and standing at a foot distance is preferred style of communication where on the other hand in Northern Europe, a lingering gaze may feel invasive, manipulative or disgraceful, they chat at a distance of two and a half feet. If we look at Estonians, they are non-contact people. On the other hand, Russians are high contact people. So the reaction for each other is like, Russian feels Estonians are cold and Estonians feels Russians are pushy. Caucasians feels averting eye contact may be a gesture to hide misbehavior, where for Asian it’s a sign of respect. An American will suspect an unknown person who took a elevator with him and tries to smile and stand at a very close distance, where usually he would have taken another corner and gazed in space. Thus a very suspicious feeling for such person will arise. It is mostly seen this kind of behaviour from a criminal or from the patients of schizophrenia where he approaches and get closer to the other person more than usual. Be very sure the closer you let your stranger to be the more vulnerable you become. The spatial differences amongst cultures points more than self-protection. In Middle East people get the information about the strangers by their sense of smell and touch, which requires close approach. Americans, rely on visual information, therefore, they don’t need to be so close to the subject. They rather step back and see an intelligent whole picture of the person. Conversational distance tell us the about the standard greeting distance in each culture. The need for more or less space means something of the cultural temperament. There is gender difference also other than country difference. A woman seems to have more eye contact than men. Also a woman feel neglected if this conversational distance is too much. They feel that the partner is indifferent. With the businesses growing global a need for a new breed of consultants has immerged, who interpret to these globe-trotters of all nationalities the meaning and use of personal space. There are special classes also for this kind of cultural behaviour, which will be a great help to understand each other.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Women in Islam Essay -- Religion, Islamic Culture

Since the September Eleventh attacks by Islamic extremists at the World Trade Centers, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania, Islamic culture has come under scrutiny by Americans more so than at any other period in the history of the ancient religion. One area that is often criticized by the American main stream media is the role of women in Islamic culture; it is almost common knowledge now that Islam subjugates women to a degree not seen since the Medieval Ages, and is backwards in all aspects of gender relations. Like many stereotypes, this one is overblown, exaggerated, and often completely incorrect. Women have been a fundamental part of Islamic culture since the founding of the Muslim faith. Women have had tremendous influence in all areas of Islamic culture including education, politics, economic concerns, and religious interpretation; by examining each of these four areas, it become clear that women have tremendous opportunities within mainstream Islam. Of course, cer tain hardline regimes like the one currently holding power in Iran will always oppress women, as well as gays and other minorities. It is important to not focus on the few areas where Islamic culture is practiced and women are subjugated, but to look at the broader Islamic culture where women are a critical component. After being thrust into the American conscience by the September Eleventh attacks, Islamic culture and Afghanistan became synonymous in the minds of most American citizens. The active attempts to limit women from receiving education in that nation were all too real, and very tragic. However, in many other Islamic cultures, women have significant and positive influence on the education system, both today and in the past. The achiev... ... States one of the most popular religions, Catholicism, still does not permit women to serve in the priest capacity. Some issues will take many centuries to change, and just like in Catholicism, this Islamic barrier will take time to break down. In conclusion, the body of evidence suggests that fears regarding the limitations placed on women by Islamic culture are exaggerated in most areas. Women have reached the highest political posts, most influential jobs in business, and obtained teaching posts at prestigious universities in almost every country with a significant Islamic culture. Some of the most tolerant cultures have even begun allowing female imams to lead prayer and teach other Muslims. While Islamic culture has plenty of work to do regarding the status of women, it must be recognized that a healthy portion of the criticism is unwarranted.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Environmental factors affecting Nespresso in China Essay

The micro environment on the other hand comprises the industry and market.   Religion, education, ethnicity, education and language, age group, family, cross cultural differences. In 1978, the Chinese government introduced a birth control policy of one child per family. (Newsweek 2014) This in the long run will reduce both sales and labor availability for Companies especially foreign brands like nespresso. The business culture in china is based on strong family ties and cultural network. Guanxi is a Chinese business practice of favoring a family and close friends prior to doing business. This could be unfavorable to foreign businesses like nespresso and other western companies. LEGAL FACTORS. Foreign trade laws, land ownership laws, patent and trademark laws, piracy laws, lobbying laws. According to reports, foreign firms cannot and do not acquire land as all land remains the property of the Chinese government. However the lease system provides foreign firms and corporation access to land for about a period of 50years after which the lease can be renewed. There was a case of McDonalds in Beijing who were forced out of their property by the government during the contract period (China unique, 2013). This spells an unstable working environment for nespresso. ECONOMIC FACTORS Economic factors include, Unemployment rate, exchange rate, inflation, interest rate, consumer discretionary income, labor cost. Unemployment: According to the ministry of human resources and social security of the PRC, there has been a significant decrease in unemployment rate in China from 4. 10 in the last quarter of 2013 to 4 percent in the second quarter of 2013 (Trading economics, 2014). This will increase salaries and wages due to scarcity of labor as only few of the population are unemployed. Similarly, Chinas inflation rate as reported by National Bureau of Statistics of China was at 2. 50 percent in January 2014 (Bloomberg business week Jan. 2014). This has caused a reduction in unemployment and an increase in wages. This might mean an increase in sales for western brands like nespresso and luxurious brands. According to ban and company luxury goods purchases has slowed down by 7percent as Chinese shoppers now do their luxury shopping abroad (Ban and company 2013). This might not be too good for foreign companies in china but it shows how passionate Chinese are for luxury brands. Chinas GDP were recorded at 7. 7 percent (9. 4 trillion USD) in the fourth quarter of 2013. (Bloomberg business week Jan. 2014) The above information shows that China’s economic environment would promote and facilitate business activities. (Trading economies, 2014). Lower unemployment rate implies high purchasing power of customers. Inflation will affect nespresso because suppliers will demand more. High interest rate means high return on investment. The higher consumer’s discretionary income, the higher their purchasing power especially for premium products like the nespresso brand. POLITICAL FACTORS. Factors present in the political environment include Political Stability, government involvement, trade barriers (tariff and non-tariff) Political stability: The three decades of reform in china has led to both a political and social landscape. (China daily Feb 2014). China has a unique form of political risk which is a constant battle between the central government and local government over applicable laws. For Nespesso, this stability and a clear understanding of local law would guarantee a stable business environment in the long run. Government involvement: The purpose of this is to protect domestic firms. (Protectionism). Government may impose barriers (tariff and non-tariff) on imports or foreign investment in order to protect domestic industries and to reduce competition. Although china has continuously opened its market for foreign investors, it has also place restriction on some foreign businesses in certain industries. For instance the restriction on American producers of autos, beef and steel into its market. (Bloomberg news April 2013) TECHNOLOGY. Technology when applied to work makes it easier, quicker and sometimes more efficient. The level of technology. Technology is inputs that improves an organization’s output. Technological factors includes machinery, communication, internet penetration, transport and logistics, social infrastructure. Internet penetration and logistics. See question 2 THE MICRO ENVIRONMENT INDUSTRY ANALYSIS PORTER’S FIVE FORCES. Local suppliers include; Yunnan Zheng coffee co ltd, Baoshan Yatong coffee commercial co. ltd, Dehong Hogu coffee co ltd, Yunnan Changshengda investment co. ltd, Kunming Qianxi industry and trade co ltd, Acme Fate international ltd (Alibaba, 2014). This shows that the supplier power is low because there are so many suppliers in the industry. Power of buyers (customers): With over 14million people in shanghai and other major cities of china and the tea drinking tradition of the Chinese people, there tend to be a high buyer power amongst customers. Also, the quest for luxurious band amongst Chinese consumers tend to influence buying power Competitors: The level of competition in china is high not just for coffee consumption but also for other hot drinks. In terms of luxurious coffee key players include Starbucks, costa, McDonalds, 85 degrees, pacific coffee etc. research from Mintel has shown that there has been an increase in the number of cafes from 15,898 to 31,283 between 2007 and 2012. (China briefing, 2013). Threat of new entrants: With the existence of so many players in the coffee industry it can be concluded that there is high threat of new entrants because it may seem that coffee business in China is attractive. Analysts say there will be a continuous increase in the consumption of instant coffee. (Euro monitor international). Industry rivalry: Competition is intense in the coffee industry in china as key player continue to compete in different ways. According to reports, there is a continuous fight for market share, who has more coffee shops etc. As Starbucks plans to have 1500 stores in china, costa coffee has stated their intention to increase its number to 2500 by 2018. Nestle and Starbucks has been competing for dominance of china’s coffee market for the last decade. While nestle has focused on being a ubiquitous brand, Starbucks has targeted the upper middle class. (Context china) QUESTION TWO According to reports, China has 618million internet users. 80percent of this number are mobile internet users. (ZDnet, 2014). The outbreak of mobile internet users drove the number from 500million as at December 2013. With this number of internet users, a firm would have no problem carrying out online sales, advertising, or communicating with its customers. A report by adage confirms that Taoboa and Tmall, two of china’s largest e-commerce company broke their last year’s sales record via the internet. Therefore many firms are capitalizing on the power of the internet by doing series of online promotion. (Adage, 2013) Online retail sale according to Bloomberg, went up by 2percent last year (adage, 2013). The surging internet purchase indicates that Chinese consumers are moving away from bricks and mortar outlets for their shopping. Opportunities of online CRM and sales include; Wider reach. Using the internet, nespresso can keep up with a large number of its customers on a daily or weekly bases. Advertising. Nespresso can also use the internet to advertise its product to millions of customers at the same time. This could be cheaper to operate too. Segmenting purposes. The record of customers and their previous purchase can help nespresso in automatically segmenting it customers based on purchase history Feedback and adjustment. Customer feedbacks is very important as these information can be used in making services or products better. Despite the attractive and promising nature of using the internet, investors and firms should also consider the drawbacks of using the internet for sales and communication. The Chinese government recently just imposed a new law regarding e-Commerce in China. The law stipulates that real names registration of sellers on third party platforms, strict seven days return policy, and also online payment market place must safeguard user’s privacy. (Pac net services, 2014) Another report says the government is imposing a law where all consumer to consumer online trading would have to register for a business license and  also pay taxes (China daily, 2014) Legal system. There are different legal restriction and regulation from government and regulatory bodies. Payment environment: the cash payment culture of the Chinese creates difficulties for online shopping. International credit cards are not accepted in most online shops. There is unavailability of credit card payment in most transactional websites. The online payment system in china is still at an infant stage. Logistics network environment: there is a restriction on foreign investment of logistics companies. Limited choices of delivery therefore, much more time is spent on delivery (jitm, 2007). QUESTION THREE Despite the large number of internet users I personally would recommend that nespresso adopt another marketing strategy as it will be very harmful to assume that the nespresso club would work in the Chinese market. From careful observation of the forces at work in the Chinese market environment, I can say that there is high level of government protectionism and regulation on internet businesses (Ecommerce) that tends to favor Chinese owned firms and businesses. Report has it that not only were a lot of websites blocked in china, there were also a Chinese replacement. Sites blocked include Facebook, yahoo, google, twitter, YouTube etc. according to report, the British newspaper The Guardian along with The New York times and Bloomberg news has been blocked in china for over a year. Motives for this act remains unknown (Taipei Times, 2014). Nespresso’s use of the internet is limited as not so much can be achieved due to interference by the government therefore using the internet could hinder performance as there is too much interference from the government. Nespresso should adapt its marketing mix to overcome the current situation of internet insecurity so as to reduce reliance on the internet. Though the internet can be used to position the nespresso brand image in the minds of the consumers for sales, or advertising or customer relationship but it won’t be wise business decision to apply the nespresso club concept in China because the government can decide blacklist them just like the case of Facebook. Nespresso should create more awareness about its brand to the Chinese public especially the less educated ones explaining the difference between house coffee and the nespresso brand Lastly, since there is already a tea drinking tradition amongst the Chinese population, nespresso should consider a local adaptation which involves offering other kinds of hot drinks so as to have a variety of products for it ever growing tea drinking customers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Yolngu people

Compare and contrast the life stages and life course of your own cultural group with that of a significantly cultural group within Australia. Media Child's You Just need to ensure your sentences are direct and to the point – applying the correct terminology Introduction The Yowling indigenous people make up one of the oldest cultures on earth, stretching back more than 40,000 years and make up more than 50 clans, each has its own country, they have with twelve different dialects and many ceremonies that are all concerned with acting out the stones and lore's of the ancestral pasts which Is tutee different to western life In Australia.The Yowling people divide themselves Into two basic divisions, or moieties, called Dhow and Wartime and are connected by a complex kinship system called guru. They have avoidance relationships with son- in-law, mother-in-law and brothers and sisters for their culture to function unlike Australian culture where we have no (need extra). The genders attend ceremonies separately to follow traditions unlike our customs where all a mix of genders are supposed to attend functions.Life stages are the are the steps we go through wrought our life journey that shape our identity, some stages are rights of passage others are actions or just simply participation that affects the self due to the experiences that we encounter. The fundamental deference between the cultures is the connection to the country or land and how the Yowling people see their land as their mother; who will take care of them and watch over them whereas we see land and property to Improve our finances and as as our status.Body Life stages form outsource is the path from birth until death that is shaped by our sections; the concept of our life stages where certain age groups go through rites of passage is similar is the same In both cultures. Often involving individuals being separated from society to go through the translator and then being reincorporated back Into so ciety: such as ceremony for Yowling people and marriage for Australians where we (give wedding example).The Yowling hold some ceremonies just for men that are intended to mark a new stage of life for the individual and develops one's identity within the Yowling culture which is essential for progressing towards man hood and to be accepted as a man. It may involve being taken away from the group for up to a week to learn different skills such as hunting and when they come back they are viewed as a valued contributor that holds a different more experienced status or role after the ceremony (good).In typical Australian culture life stages can form a series of rights of passage such as getting our car license, turning eighteen or moving out of These stages are marked by events and functions. Often events such as an eighteenth birthday mark an important time in an individual's life where they're now considered as an adult. .. Giving them the right to†¦. Portent due to their speciali zed knowledge because they have been around the longest and have experienced the most whereas in Australian culture we are a capitalist society and value people with power, money and authority; we value materialistic items whereas the Yowling people value knowledge and care about what's on the inside, not the outside (physical appearance). The Yowling people holder stronger bonds outside blood ties, they have strong links with their extended family and are expected to follow family traditions whereas in Australian culture we focus on our immediate family (be specific – what type of Emily).Yowling groups are connected by a complex kinship system called guru, this system governs fundamental aspects of Yowling life, including responsibilities for ceremony and marriage rules. Yowling life is divided into two moieties, Dhow and Wartime, each of these is represented by people of a different number of groups, each that have their own lands, languages and totems. Avoidance relationsh ips also exist in Yowling culture the two main ones include son in law, mother in law and brother and sister.In Australian culture we have similar relationships where it is frowned upon for first cousins to marry and is illegal to marry your brother or sister. The life course or path that one chooses may depend on life events and the opportunities put in front of them. Yowling culture performs traditional rituals and would never do anything to hurt the land, as the land is their mother, which ensures that they follow traditions and stick to their culture rules to protect what means most to them. They look up to the elders in their tribe and share tight bonds within their group; they see each other together as one and thrive of the idea of belonging.The sys all aim to be selected to go through ceremony to become a man and see it as a reward. If you have not had the ceremony yet you cannot marry nor fall in love. Whereas in Australian culture we have more freedom with the choices we c hoose to make with the help and influence of our peers. We look up to our parents and older family members but also the ones with power and money such as teachers or a wealthy boss. In Australian culture we have the choice to determine our own interests and hobbies, our peers have shaped us to be who we are but we also have individuality.In life we are expected to follow through with traditional education and hobbies and care for one another, mainly your immediate family. Our gender within society reflects the roles we play and the choices we determine. In Australia we tend to want to follow our path to self-fulfillment and to get a good Job and earn a satisfying income. Conclusion The life stages and life course of the Yowling culture and our Australian culture both explore different traditions and experiences that shape and define the people we are today. While we all experience life stages our lives are marked by different rites of

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hydroponics1 essays

Hydroponics1 essays Have you ever thought of growing plants without soil? A science known as hydroponics will allow you to do just this. Hydroponics systems have been used since the time of the ancient Babylonians who used them to used them to grow their famous hanging gardens. Today, all around the world, fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants are grown using hydroponics. The word hydroponics was derived from the Greek words hydros, meaning water, and ponos, meaning labor, or literally, water working. Hydro-ponics is simply growing plants in a water and balanced fertilizer solution. It is rapidly becoming the most common way of growing speciality crops and crops that require special conditions to grow. Hydroponics is also known as Soilless/Controlled Environment Agriculture. This means that plants are grown without soil in greenhouse environments in which everything from the amount of nutrients applied to the temperature and humidity can be monitored closely. Greenhouses are ideal for hydroponics systems because they have their own climate. New types of greenhouses are designed to distribute light from the sun during the day to promote better plant growth and retain heat at night which saves on fuel. These greenhouses are quickly becoming choice places for growers to set up their hydroponics systems. These set-ups are increasing yields and decreasing plant loss which is more profitable for the grower. Speciality crops such as tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and hot peppers, which cannot be grown conventionally all year long, are being grown in hydroponically. These vegetables which were previously scarce in some seasons will be plentiful all year. Hydroponically grown vegetables can be harvested year round so even regions that have harsh winters, or short growing seasons can enjoy these special crops anytime. One fruit that is especially hard to find at certain times of th ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Black Surname Meaning and Origin

Black Surname Meaning and Origin As you might expect, the Black surname generally relates to the color black: Black is most commonly a descriptive surname meaning one who was black haired or dark complexioned.Black can also be an occupational surname given to or adopted by a cloth dyer who specialized in black dyes. The surnames SCHWARTZ, SCHWARZ and other variants are the German equivalents of the Black surname. BLACK is the 149th most popular surname in the United States. Surname Origin: English Alternate Surname Spellings: BLACKE, BLAKE, BLAKEY, BLAKELEY, BLACKETT, BLACKHAM, BLACKIE, BLACKLOCK, BLACKMAN, BLACKMON, BLACKMORE, BLACKSHAW,BLACKWOOD, BLAKEMAN Famous People with the Surname Black Joachim Krà ³l - German actorJohn Joseph Krol - Roman Catholic Cardinal Genealogy Resources for the Surname Black The BLACK Surname DNA Project: Connect with others using DNA to help trace the origins of their BLACK family, including variants such as Blacke, Blackett, Blackham, Blackie, Blacklock, Blackman, Blackmon, Blackmore, Blackshaw, Blackwell, Blackwood, Blagg, Blake, Blakeley, Blakeman, Blakiston, Blanc, Bleach, Bluck, Duff, Schwartz, Swartz and Swarz.Black Family Genealogy Forum: Search this popular genealogy forum for the Black surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Black surname query.FamilySearch - BLACK Genealogy: Find records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Black surname and its variations.BLACK Surname Family Mailing Lists: RootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Black surname.Cousin Connect - BLACK Genealogy Queries: Read or post genealogy queries for the surname Black, and sign up for free notification when new Black queries are - BLACK Genealogy Family History: F ree databases and genealogy links for the last name Black. References Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005.Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004.Hanks, Patrick, and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Stephen Hawking, Physicist and Cosmologist

Biography of Stephen Hawking, Physicist and Cosmologist Stephen Hawking (January 8, 1942–March 14, 2018) was a world-renowned cosmologist and physicist, especially esteemed for overcoming an extreme physical disability to pursue his groundbreaking scientific work. He was a bestselling author whose books made complex ideas accessible to the general public. His theories provided deep insights into the connections between quantum physics and relativity, including how those concepts might be united in explaining fundamental questions related to the development of the universe and the formation of black holes. Fast Facts: Stephen Hawking Known For:  Cosmologist, physicist, best-selling science writerAlso Known As:  Steven William HawkingBorn:  January 8, 1942 in Oxfordshire, EnglandParents: Frank and Isobel HawkingDied: March 14, 2018 in Cambridge, EnglandEducation: St Albans School, B.A., University College, Oxford, Ph.D., Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1966Published Works:  A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes, The Universe in a Nutshell, On the Shoulders of Giants, A Briefer History of Time, The Grand Design, My Brief HistoryAwards and Honors:  Fellow of the  Royal Society, the  Eddington  Medal, the Royal Societys Hughes Medal, the  Albert Einstein  Medal, the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Member of the  Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Wolf Prize in Physics, the Prince of Asturias Awards in Concord, the Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize of the American Physical Society, the Michelson Morley Award of Case Western Reserve University, the Copley Medal of the  Ro yal SocietySpouses: Jane Wilde, Elaine MasonChildren: Robert, Lucy, TimothyNotable Quote: â€Å"Most of the threats we face come from the progress we’ve made in science and technology. We are not going to stop making progress, or reverse it, so we must recognize the dangers and control them. I’m an optimist, and I believe we can.† Early Life Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxfordshire, England, where his mother had been sent for safety during the German bombings of London of World War II. His mother Isobel Hawking was an Oxford graduate and his father Frank Hawking was a medical researcher. After Stephens birth, the family reunited in London, where his father headed the division of parasitology at the National Institute for Medical Research.  The family then moved to St. Albans so that Stephens father could pursue medical research at the nearby Institute for Medical Research in Mill Hill. Education and Medical Diagnosis Stephen Hawking attended school in St. Albans, where he was an unexceptional student. His brilliance was much more apparent in his years at Oxford University. He specialized in physics and graduated with first-class honors despite his relative lack of diligence. In 1962, he continued his education at Cambridge  University, pursuing a Ph.D. in cosmology. At age 21, a year after beginning his doctoral program, Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also known as motor neuron disease, ALS, and Lou Gehrigs disease). Given only three years to live, he has written that this prognosis helped motivate him in his physics work. There is little doubt that his ability to remain actively engaged with the world through his scientific work helped him persevere in the face of the disease. The support of family and friends were equally key. This is vividly portrayed in the dramatic film The Theory of Everything. The ALS Progresses As his illness progressed, Hawking became less mobile and began using a wheelchair. As part of his condition, Hawking eventually  lost his ability to speak, so he utilized a device capable of translating his eye movements (since he could  no longer utilize a keypad) to speak in a digitized voice. In addition to his keen mind within physics, he gained respect throughout the world as a science communicator. His achievements are deeply impressive on their own, but some of the reason he is so universally respected was his ability to accomplish so much while suffering the severe debility caused by ALS. Marriage and Children Just before his diagnosis, Hawking met Jane Wilde, and the two were married in 1965. The couple had three children before separating. Hawking later married Elaine Mason in 1995 and they divorced in 2006. Career as Academic and Author Hawking stayed on at Cambridge after his graduation, first as a research fellow and then as a professional fellow. For most of his academic career, Hawking served as the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, a position once held by Sir Isaac Newton. Following a long tradition, Hawking retired from this post at age 67, in the spring of 2009, though he continued his research at the universitys cosmology institute. In 2008 he also accepted a position as a visiting researcher at Waterloo, Ontarios Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. In 1982 Hawking began work on a popular book on cosmology. By 1984 he had produced the first draft of  A Brief History of Time, which he published in 1988 after some medical setbacks. This book remained on the Sunday Times bestsellers list for 237 weeks. Hawkings even more accessible A Briefer History of Time was published in 2005. Fields of Study Hawkings major research was in the areas of theoretical cosmology, focusing on the evolution of the universe as governed by the laws of general relativity. He is most well-known for his work in the study of black holes. Through his work, Hawking was able to: Prove  that singularities are general features of spacetime.Provide  mathematical proof that information which fell into a black hole was lost.Demonstrate  that black holes evaporate through Hawking radiation. Death On March 14, 2018, Stephen Hawking died in his home in Cambridge, England. He was 76. His ashes were placed in London’s Westminster Abbey between the final resting places of Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. Legacy Stephen Hawking made large contributions as a scientist, science communicator, and as a heroic example of how enormous obstacles can be overcome. The  Stephen Hawking Medal for Science Communication is a prestigious award that recognizes the merit of popular science on an international level. Thanks to his distinctive appearance, voice, and popularity,  Stephen Hawking is often represented in popular culture. He made appearances on the television shows The Simpsons and Futurama, as well as having a cameo on Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1993. The Theory of Everything, a biographical drama film about Hawkings life, was released in 2014. Sources â€Å"Stephen Hawking.†Ã‚  Famous Scientists.Redd, Nola Taylor. â€Å"Stephen Hawking Biography (1942-2018).†Ã‚, Space, 14 Mar. 2018.â€Å"Stephen William Hawking.†Ã‚  Stephen Hawking (1942-2018).